Chap 4

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Five's POV
Klaus then opened the door and ran to Y/N picking her up in a hug. I looked at her and saw how uncomfortable she was. I was about to say something when she suddenly quietly yelped in pain and pushed herself out of his arms. He stared at her, clearly confused, before looking at me.
"Oh hey Five! When did you get here?"
I rolled my eyes and looked at Y/N again. "I was taking to Y/N."
"Oh you don't have to do that now!"
Y/N and I both looked at him weirdly and he giggledZ "Y/N is moving in with us!" He clapped quickly.
My eyes widened and Y/N paled, looking nervously at me before at the ground.
"Wait wait asked Dad?"
"And he was ok with it?!"
"So like, are we adopting her?"
"Oh no no no, she's just living with us. Just like housemates"
"Oh..." I thought for a second, "Wait Y/N what about your Mom?"
She looked up at me and looked pained for a split second before saying "It's ok! She won't mind trust me"
"Are you sure? Maybe we should ask-"
I jumped at her sudden yell.
"I-uh-I mean, don't worry about it...I'll go ask her"
She smiled and Klaus smiled widely back at her.
"Hey I need to do something real quick I'll be right back!" Klaus said and left the room. Y/N turned to face me.
"I'm sorry Five"
"I know you didn't want me to move in...I tried to tell Klaus not to ask but he persisted..."
I groaned, "It's fine Y/N"
She smiled softly. I then noticed she was holding her stomach. I reached out and grabbed her hand to move it, which she quickly yanked away. I looked at her and she looked away before putting her hand to her stomach again.
"Why are you holding you stomach?" I asked.
"It just hurts that's all..."
"Like, stomach ache?"
"No-uh-I mean yes"
"Mhm sure"
I quickly pulled her hand away from her stomach and saw the blood on her shirt.
"Y/N you're bleeding!"
"No Five calm down I'm not"
"Then why-"
"It's blood from yesterday"
"What-" I grabbed her shirt and pulled it up slightly and quickly. I saw the bandages around her torso. She pushed my hand away and quickly pulled her shirt back down.
"Is that from the accident?" I asked.
"Were you going to say no?"
"No I jut thought you were going to ask something else"
" teleport huh?"
I looked up at her face, "Kind of, It's more like jumping through space."
"That's so cool!"
I smiled, "Thanks, I've gotten pretty good at it I think!"
I spatial jumped around her room and she giggled.
"So what can you do?" I asked.
"I can turn invisible, and control Earth in a way, like rocks"
"Is that what you did with the car?"
"Cool, what about the third power?"
"Klaus told me you have three powers"
"Oh...that's time travel"
My eyes widened, "Really?!"
She nodded her head.
"Can you show me?!"
She looked up at me and shook her head. "I don't do it anymore"
"What why not?"
"It hurts me"
"How So?"
"Last time I over-used it"
She sighed and rolled up her pant leg, showing me a nasty scar. "It did this" she said.
"Time travel is weird"
"I bet"
"For me it's like, I'm not sure I haven't done it enough to know if it effects my aging. But I can't take anything with me when I travel"
"Why is that?"
"It rips to shreds"
"I don't want to try it with a person"
"Good call"
I was about to ask her about her other powers and if they had drawbacks when Allison walked in.
"Hey Five"
"Hey Allison"
She turned to Y/N, "You're Y/N right?"
Y/N nodded.
"Well since you'll be moving in, you need a uniform" she gestured to herself.
"It'll always be long sleeves right?" Y/N asked.
Allison nodded.
"Ok good" I heard Y/N sigh.
"I'm sorry Y/N but um...we only have spare boy uniforms..."
Y/N smiled, "That's fine! I don't have to wear a skirt? Bonus."
Allison laughed and Y/N chuckled slightly.
"I'll go grab them for you, then you need to change because Dad is going to start training you"
I looked at Allison, "Already?"
"Yeah he seems really interested for some reason."
Allison walked out and I turned to Y/N. "Make sure you tell dad about the bad things with your powers"
She nodded, "I will"
I started walking to the door, "Good luck" I told her and walked out.

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