Chap 3

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"You're worthless"
"You're disappointing"
"You're a disgrace"
"You're pitiful"
"You're weak"
"You're pathetic"
"You're useless"
"Piece of shit"
"Waste of space"
I cried as I listened to people call me names as they pushed me around. One shoved me to the ground and I received a couple kicks to the gut and back. They all laughed and walked away from me.
"Just kill yourself and do everyone a favor
I laid on the ground crying and coughing out blood.
Why am I like this?

My eyes shot open, I shot up and took in a sharp breath. I felt my face and found tears running down my cheeks. I sighed and flopped back into my bed and draped my arm over my eyes. I heard a soft knock on my door and I frantically sat up and wiped my tears. Klaus opened the door and strolled in.
"Hey Y/N! Good morrnnniinnngggg" he sat on the end of my bed and I stared at him.
"What?" He asked.
"Oh nothing It's just I-why are you here?"
"Because we're friends silly! I like to check on my friends wh-" he stopped short. "Shit Y/N were you crying?!"
"What? Oh um...yeah" I said looking down.
"Oh, why?"
"Just a nightmare"
"Awww" he pulled me in for a hug which I stiffened up at. He pulled away shortly after and looked at me. "Sorry"
"It's ok Klaus"
He smiled.
"So, how am I going to get out"
"Oh, you'll have to wait until after breakfast I guess. Our Dad eats with us."
"I see"
"Yeah, called me Four last you know our names?"
" sorry"
He chuckled, "It's ok! So One is Luther, Two is Diego, Three is Allison, Four is yours truly, Six is Ben, and Seven is Vonya." He smiled.
I looked at him confusedly, "You skipped Five"
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't tell me Five's name"
"Oh yeah, that's because his name is Five"
"He goes by the number?"
He shrugged, "Nobody knows"
"Huh..." I thought about it before shrugging. "That's his choice I guess, I'm not one to judge"
Klaus smiler. "So Y/N, tell me about yourself."
"Oh um..." I thought of my mother, "Um I was born on the same day as you guys...I was one of the many kids who wasn't adopted."
He gasped, "I knew it! Diego owes me a dollar"
I chuckled.
"So Y/N, what are your abilities?"
"Y'know, like your powers?"
"Oh um..."
"Tell meeeee"
"Well I can control Earth in a way I think? Like rock...I tried to protect myself from the car with that..."
"I saw!"
I smiled, "I can also turn invisible and..." I trailed off.
"You can also what?"
"Times travel..." I said quietly.
"Wow really?! That's so cool!"
I looked up, "You think?"
"Hell yeah!"
We both laughed before I spoke again, "But I can't time travel too much..."
"Yeah your energy will wear out right?"
" hurts me"
" how?"
I slightly rolled up my pant leg and revealed a huge scar on the side of my leg. I heard Klaus hiss and wince at the sight. I pulled the pant leg back down, "Sorry"
"No it's's did that even happen?"
"It's like something stabbed me while I was heading home. I haven't time traveled since"
"I get it, that sucks"
We both heard a bell and I looked at Klaus.
"That means breakfast! I'll come back for you, don't leave the room."
"Bye Y/N!"
He ran out of the room and I dangled my legs off the bed. I looked around the room and stood up. I clutched my stomach and limped around the room, touching a few things.

Five's POV
I heard the bell for breakfast and walked out of my room. I saw Klaus rush out of the room the girl was staying in and I rolled my eyes.
He stopped and turned to look at me, "Five we have to hurry"
"Why were you in the room with the girl?"
"Her name is Y/N first of all, and we were just talking."
"Whatever" I said and we rushed down the stair to catch up with the others. We stood around the table and Dad walked in.
"Sit" he commanded and we did as we were told.
I passed notes with Klaus.
'Why were you really in this "Y/N's" room?'
'Five I told you, we're just taking'
'Mhm sure'
'We were just talking.'
'Ok fine, about what?'
'I told her all of our names'
'She didn't know them'
'Like it'll make a difference'
'It will ok?'
'Fine Whatever'
'And I found out she really is one of us'
'What do you mean?'
'She was born on the same day as us, at the same time'
'Yeah her abilities are cool'
'Abilities? As in plural?"
"How does that work"
"Not sure"
"How many?"
"Three. They must all have some drawback'
'How so'
'She told me about one where if she uses it too much, it harms her. Physically'
'I know right?'
'I should talk to her myself'
'No don't.'
'Did you not see how she looked at you yesterday?'
'She thinks you hate her guts'
'Well I mean'
'Five you don't even know her, you can't hate her'
'Wanna bet?'
'I'm just kidding'
"Breakfast dismissed" we heard Dad say and we both looked up at him before standing and heading upstairs. I saw him go into Y/N's room and whisper something to her. She paled and I saw her quietly protest but Klaus didn't seem to listen and walked out of the room, hitting me with the door.
"Oops! Sorry Five!" He said quickly and ran off in the direction of Dad's office. I watched him enter and close the door behind him. I sighed. I pushed open Y/N's door slowly and saw her sitting on the bed, staring at the wall intensely.
She jumped as I spoke and frantically looked at me. We made brief eye contact before she looked back at the wall.
"Answer me" I said sternly. I saw her flinch and she quietly spoke.
"What were you doing?"
I walked closer to her and saw how pale she was. She looked up at me.
"Y/N you're quite pale, are you ok?"
"Ok? What's Klaus doing?"
"He was going to ta-um I mean I don't know"
"Bullshit you do know"
"I-I should t-tell you"
"Why not?" I asked getting irritated.
"Because why?!" I asked, raising my voice.
She flinched and looked away from me.
"Because you'll hate me even more..."
Her comment made me feel slightly guilty.
"Y/N I don't hate you"
"I call bullshit" she said and chuckled quietly.
"I really don't, Klaus told me I can't hate anyone without knowing them...and I believe him."
She smiled softly and looked up at me.
She said softly and looked back at the ground. I stared at her face and was about to ask her about her powers when Klaus came in.

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