Chap 50

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I sat quietly on the ground, having not moved from when Five left.
How could I be so stupid
I hurt Klaus...
He was just telling the truth
I'm just a leech...
I sobbed quietly. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sat motionlessly. I continued to occasionally dab for several minutes. I heard someone walk down the stairs, but didn't care an ought to look up.
"Y/N? Is everything ok?"
I quickly wiped my tears and looked up at him. I slowly nodded. I heard him sigh and he walked over to me before sitting down in front of me. I stared at him confusedly.
"What wrong?" He asked.
I felt the tears prick at my eyes again and I quickly spoke with my raspy voice, "I'm a leech! I'm-I'm like a parasite who relies on others a-and only cares about myself! I'm sorry Diego! I should-should've helped you with your friend! I-I s-shouldn't have cared if it would've killed me! I w-was being selfish and I-"
I broke down sobbing.
"Woah Y/'s ok, calm down." He spoke.
He patted my shoulder comfortingly and I sobbed.
"You're not a leech or a parasite Y/N." He spoke calmly.
I cried even harder and pulled myself into Diego's chest, crying. He seemed stunned and awkwardly patted me as I clung to him.
"K-Klaus told m-me I w-was a leech!" I stammered out.
Diego sighed and patted me, "He didn't mean it Y/N. You're one of the people he cares the most about. He probably wasn't thinking."
I shook my head, "He knew exactly what he was saying. It much...I thought Klaus cared about me."
"He does Y/N! So much, I'll talk to him about what he said, ok?"
I nodded and pulled away from him.
"Sorry..." I mumbled in reference to clinging onto him.
"It's alright, you gonna be ok?" He asked.
I nodded and he stood up and walked back to the stairs. After he was gone I let out a sigh and walked up to my room. I opened the door and walked in before quietly shutting it. I leaned my back against the door and closed my eyes, sighing.
I'm sorry Five...
What Klaus said...
I wasted my life on a boy...
Five is not a waste.
He was worth all 45 years of searching for.
I continued to lean against the door. My eyes were closed and I felt peaceful as I thought about Five. I heard a noise in front of me and quickly felt lips on mine. My eyes shot open to see Five. He rested his hands on my waist and his eyes were closed. He pulled away and looked up at me. We were both a light pink.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I was scared when I yelled at you that you-" he started.
"Were gonna do something stupid?" I finished.
He nodded.
I sighed and smiled, "So we're good?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Thank god" I let out a sigh of relief.
I walked over to my bed and flopped on it. Five laid down next to me and I rolled over. We stared at each other and I pulled myself into his chest.
We laid like that for a while before he sat up. I sat up with him and we stared at each other.
He leaned forward and rested his face on my shoulder. I sighed happily and reached up, playing with his hair.
"Y/N?" He spoke softly.
"Yeah Five?"
He sat up and moved him self closer to me. He grabbed my hands and intertwined them with his.
"Y/N you're the most important person to me. I don't know how I would live without you. You're the first thing I think of in the morning, the last thing at night, and everything in between. Everything about you is amazing and beautiful in every way. Even your imperfections."
He rolled up my sleeve on one arm, revealing all my stitches.
He looked at me before bringing my arm up and placing a soft kiss on the part of the write that connected to my hand.
"You're Kind."
He placed another kiss, but slightly farther up my arm.
"You're Sweet."
Another kiss.
"You're Caring."
Another kiss.
"You're beautiful, like, VERY, beautiful."
Another kiss.
He continued to list good things about me as he trailed kisses up my arm. He passed the rolled up shirt and kissed up to my shoulder.
I was bright red at this point.
He continued to compliment me and reached my neck.
"You're overall amazing in every way. Even you're imperfections make you more perfect to me." He placed a light kiss against my neck and I took in a small but sharp breath.
"You're my everything Y/N..." he spoke against my neck.
After that he trailed light kisses up my neck, slowly and softly. I shivered at his touch.
He kissed up my jaw and over to my lips before hovering over them.
"I want to be with you Y/N. I don't want you to leave me ever, and I don't want to leave you ever again. I can't imagine not being with you. Even thinking about it makes me want to hold you tightly, and never let you go." He spoke softly.
I blushed madly.
What am I supposed to say in this situation?!
I didn't get to think for long.
Five pressed his lips into mine softly and his hand went to my waist. It wrapped around and pulled me closer to him by my lower back. His other hand held one of mine. My free hand went up to cup his cheek.
The kissing wasn't intense it was...loving. Five and I continued to kiss for a small bit before he broke the kiss. He leaned his forehead against mine.
"The feeling isn't new, I've always felt this way about just took forever for me to realize what the feeling actually was." He spoke softly.
I slightly giggled, "Same here..."
I re-connected our lips and this kiss lasted a few minutes before we both pulled away.
He sat up and I did the same, pulling down my sleeve. We sat silently before Five stood up,
"C'mon, I'm gonna make us margaritas."
I stood up quickly, "Oh yay!"
I clapped my hands together excitedly and Five chuckled. We left my room and headed down to the kitchen.

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