Chap 13

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Vonya insisted that she help me and wrap my hand. I continuously told her no and eventually she gave up and handed me the bandages, asking me to do it myself. I rolled my eyes.
"Vonya it's not that big of a deal"
"Yes it is Y/N, you hurt you hand"
"So fix it up!"
I groaned and she walked towards my door.
"And when you finish, meet Five in the living room." she told me before leaving my room.
I groaned.
I don't want to see anyone...
Especially him.
I managed to find a pair of tweezers in the mess that I call my room. I sat on my bed and started pulling the mirror shards out of my hand. It hurt but I did it to myself I guess.
After finishing that up, I wrapped my hand in bandages to stop the bleeding. I rolled up my sleeve and looked at the blood still leaking out of my cut. I frowned and wiped the access with a towel before wrapping the cut in bandages. I walked to my closet and changed into a long sleeved black shirt. I kept on my black jeans and redid my hair. It was a mess after my breakdown. I took a deep breath and opened my door before walking downstairs.

Five's POV
I briefly explained how I had gotten back to the others and they were all confused. I made myself a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich and ate it calmly. I was hoping Y/N would come back downstairs but she didn't.
I thought she cared a lot about me. Apparently not. But at the same time I kind of get why she's mad...
I was snapped out of my thoughts by a crash from upstairs. I recognized Y/N's voice even through the floor.
"Shit! Son of a bitch! That hurt a lot"
What did she do?
I looked over at Vonya and saw her already walk away to go upstairs.
I had already spoken to Vonya about how I wanted to be able to talk to Y/N.

"Yeah Five?"
"I need you to help me talk to her"
She had laughed, "Why are you asking for my help?"
I was confused, "Because you 2, Klaus, Ben, and I were best friends?"
She looked away, "Yeah well a lot has changed since then Five...but I'll see what I can do"

I thought about our conversation and tried to figure out what Vonya had meant. I walked out into one of the main rooms and waited anxiously for Vonya to come back. After a small bit I saw Vonya walk out of Y/N's room and head back downstairs.
She looked at me, "Oh Five there you are"
"What did she say?"
"She doesn't want to see you...I don't think she can handle that Five"
"What do you mean?"
"Seems how she-" she stopped short. "Never mind it's not my place to tell you"
"Tell me what?"
"I can't Five, you have to learn that from Y/N herself"
"How am I supposed to do that if she can't even look at me?"
"I convinced her to talk to you, she's doing it for me"
I sat quietly for a moment, "Thanks"
"You're welcome" she said and walked out of the room.
A few minutes passed and I saw Y/N walk down the stairs. She was looking at her feet and briefly looked up to see me. She looked back down immediately and walked over to me, sitting on the other side of the couch.
I noticed her fidgeting and bouncing her leg softly, indicating she was uncomfortable. We sat in silence for a few minutes before she spoke up.
"Look Five, you wanted to talk to me, and now you have that ability. What is it that you want to tell me because I suggest you spit it out now."
I looked at her, slightly shocked, before speaking up.
"Y/N, I'm sorry"
She quietly scoffed.
"Y/N I mean it, I should have listened to you back then. I didn't mean to leave you without me. And I'm sorry for being mean to you when you were trying to stop me...I've regretted it everyday I was gone..."
I saw her look up and over at me briefly.
She's crying...
She reached up and wiped her face before looking at the ground again.
"Y/N...can you forgive me?" I asked.
"Five...I...I can't...I just can't...this is all so much and it's happening so fast and I can't handle it..."
I was slightly annoyed, "What do you mean you can't handle it?"
"I can't take it mentally Five..."
"Why? What happened while I was gone?"
She shook her head.
"Y/N tell me." I said sternly.
She stood up and started backing away. I stood up too, "Y/N tell me." I said again.
"Five...I-I...I hurts too much to talk about."
All the annoyance in me disappeared and was replaced by concern.
"Y/N please..."
"Five stop it...I don't want to talk about anything with you"
I pelt a pang in my chest.
That hurt
I replaced the pain I felt with anger.
"Y'know what? Fine. Sorry for trying to actually care unlike you!" I snapped at her.
I saw her freeze and look me dead in the eyes.
"What?" She asked.
"You heard me, I called you out for not caring about me."
She slightly laughed, "Are you kidding me?!"
I was confused, "No?"
"You want to try and pull the argument, of that I don't care about you?!"
I nervously swallowed and she started walking towards me. I started stepping backwards.
"You want to try and tell me I don't care?! After everything I did for you?!" She yelled jabbing a finger into my chest.
Shit I messed up bad
"Y'know what Five?! To hell with you!"
I stared in shock.
"I looked for you! Ok?! I looked everywhere!"
My eyes widened.
"I looked for 45 years! 45 years of just time traveling so I could find you!"
She jabbed my chest again.
"I gave up my childhood!"
She pushed me.
"I gave up my connections with people!"
She pushed me again. I continued walking backwards and she followed me.
"I gave up my life! My friends! My opportunity at anything good in life!"
She shoved me repeatedly. I felt myself hit the wall and realized I had backed into it.
"Hell, I even gave up my leg for you!"
I looked at her in confusion.
"Yeah dipshit! I traveled so much to the point of that my leg was amputated!" She screamed at me and hit my chest.
"Don't! Tell! Me! I! Don't! Care!"
She punched me repeatedly.
"Because I do! I really do Five!"
Her hits weakened, "I do...I"
She trailed off and gripped at my shirt crying. I stood shocked at what just happened and Y/N pulled away. She started to walk away and I reached out and grabbed her arm. She yanked away from my touch and looked into my eyes. I noticed how hurt she looked and regretted what I had said.
"Five I can't. I can't do this now." She said and turned invisible taking off running again.

I sat in silence and felt my face, realizing I was crying.
I really messed that up
"Well that was intense." I looked over and saw Klaus and Diego watching me.
I wiped my tears away and looked at them.
"How much did you see?" I asked.
"All of it" Diego responded.
"You know I can't miss out on the tea" said Klaus. "But telling her she doesn't care? Low blow man."
"I have to agree with Klaus on this, Y/N and I may not be buddies, but she is important to Klaus which makes her important to me. And from what I know, that was a dick move."
I ran my hands through my hair, "You think I don't know that?! I just...snapped!"
"Well are you going to just sit here and complain, or are you going to go do something about it?" Klaus spoke.
I don't have time for this...
But Y/N is important to me...
The apocalypse is coming.
Yeah and I'm going to need Y/N's help so I'm going to need to fix this.

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