Chap 12

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A/N trigger warning in this chapter

I ran outside with the others and looked in the yard at what seemed to be a portal of some kind.
"What is it?!" I heard Vonya yell out.
"Don't get too close!" I heard Allison
"Yeah no shit" I heard Diego.
I scoffed, "Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a miniature black hole. One of the 2" I called out
"Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan." I heard Diego and I rolled my eyes.
"Out of the way!" I heard Klaus and turned to face him. I saw him running with the fire extinguisher.
"Klaus Wait-" I started.
He sprayed it at the portal and I scoffed and quickly walked over to him. I tried to grab the extinguisher from him but he threw it into the portal.
"What is that gonna do?!" I turned to face Allison as she spoke.
"I don't know!" Klaus shouted over the noises.
"Do you have a better idea?!" I shouted, defending Klaus. I cringed slightly at my action but brushed it off, starting to back away from the portal. Klaus grabbed me and dragged me behind Luther and Diego. I roughly yanked my arm out of his hold as Luther and Diego shouted at us to get behind them. I watched Vonya stare at the portal in confusion and I felt weirdly drawn to it.
"I vote for running!" I heard Klaus call out. "C'mon Y/N lets go!" He tried pulling me again and I yanked my arm out of his grip. I turned my attention to the portal again and saw a body start to appear in it. It fell to the ground with a hard thump and groaned.
Oh it's a boy
The group walked over and I stayed in the back of them. The boy groaned and slowly stood up. My eyes widened and I felt tears start to form.
"Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?" Klaus spoke while staring at him.
I suddenly felt sick.
I can't do this.
He's not here.
He can't be here.
He can't be really here.
He can't be.
He's not...
I thought...
He can't be here...
He has to be dead...
There's no other option...
I looked everywhere...
He can't just...
I felt dizzy and everything started to spin as the thoughts swarmed me.
"Y/N?" I was snapped out of my trance by Klaus shaking my shoulder. "You ok?"
I shook myself awake and looked at him nodding. I looked over to Five who looked at me. I stepped towards him and felt my emotions go crazy.
How am I supposed to feel?
What do I say?
How do I act?
What do I do?
I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I walked up to him as he looked at me. I felt the others stare at us and I looked up to meet his eyes. We both stood in silence for a moment before Five spoke.
"Y/N...I'm so-"
I cut him off with a slap across the face. His face turned to the side as his cheek turned red. He brought his hand up to hold it and looked back at me.
"Y/N-" he started again, but I didn't let him finish.
I turned invisible and took off running.
"Y/N wait!" I heard Vonya call after me but I was already in the house. I ran up to my room and slammed the door closed. I leaned my face against the door and let he tears fall down my cheeks.
Why did he have to show up now? The day I decide to give up and accept that he died.
I slammed my hands into my door and cried out.
Why now?!
I turned around to my clean room and stormed over to my bookshelf. I grabbed all the books and ripped them off the shelves and chucking them across the room. I tore the bedsheets off and threw drawers out of my dresser.
How could he just show up like that? After I looked for him for 45 years! He just shows up casually!
I continued to trash my room while full of rage.
I lost my leg for him.
I threw stuff that was on my desk across my room.
I lost my friendships for him.
I slammed my hands onto my desk, cracking it.
I gave up my childhood for him.
I slowly looked up at myself in the mirror. I had hot tears running down my cheeks and my face was red in anger.
How could he do that to me?
I clenched my fists against the table and looked down at my white knuckles. I looked up at myself in the mirror again and without thinking, punched my reflection. It shattered and cut up my hand.
"Shit! Son of a bitch! That hurt a lot"
I held my hand and looked at my reflection in the shattered mirror. I started to laugh slightly. It started to escalate and I held my head with my hands.
I'm going insane
I laughed at the thought and felt the blood drip down my arm from my hand. I backed away from the mirror and fell onto the bare mattress. I continued laughing and was scared at my own insanity. I pulled the knife out of my waistband and stared at it. I rolled up my sleeve, finally finishing laughing, and brought the blade to my skin. I took a deep breath and pressed the blade into my skin. I let out a squeak of pain and pulled the knife away. I looked at the bleeding line on my wrist and sighed. I was about to go again when I heard a knock on my door. I frantically pulled down my hoodie sleeve and put the knife back in my waistband. I walked over to the door and stood next to it.
"Y/N? Are you ok?" I heard Vonya ask.
I sighed and spoke quietly, "Yeah I'm ok"
"Are-Are you sure? You just ran away..."
"I said yes Vonya" I snapped.
"Y/N I know you aren't...I just want to help you..."
"I don't need your help!" I started raising my voice.
"Y/N don't lie to me! Please!" I heard Vonya's voice start to break.
I stood silently and leaned my head to the door.
"I-I don't...I'm..." my voice cracked as I tried to speak.
"Y/N please just let me help you..."
I sighed and slowly unlocked my door, opening it. I pulled her in and quickly shut the door, locking it again. I heard Vonya gasp at my room as she looked around.
"Y/N what happened?"
She looked at the mirror and gasped. She grabbed my hand and studied the damage. I pulled away from her. "I'm fine Vonya"
"Y/N are you sure? Did you punch the mirror?!"
"Why?! Oh...was it Five?"
I took a sharp breath at the mention of him.
"It is isn't it..." she spoke.
I nodded.
"It's ok Y/N I get it..."
"I looked for him forever Vonya, everywhere...forever...I literally lost my leg looking for him!"
I rolled up my pant leg and showed her the prosthetic.
"Y/N...Five's really need to talk to him."
"Are you kidding me Vonya?! He called me jealous when I tried to stop him from traveling! He didn't listen to me and look what happened.  I try to help and am called jealous and shoved to the ground! What part of that makes it sound like I want to talk to him?!"
Vonya sat in silence and I sobbed.
"I looked for 45 years..."
She looked at me shocked and pulled me into a hug which I didn't return.
"I know Y/N...I know it's hard...but you need to be able to talk about things like need to work it out with Five."
I shook my head, "I don't think I can look at him"
"Please Y/N? For me?"
I sighed and slightly nodded, "Fine..."

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