Chap 36

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I stared at the window as Luther drove to where Five had directed him. I looked over at Five as we drove and studied his expression.
Stop staring
It's creepy
But I like to stare at him...
What if he sees you?
Is that really a bad thing?
So what if you like to stare at him?
And admire him?
And think he's amazing?
That doesn't mean anything...
Yes it does.
It means-
"Y/N? Are you ok?"
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Five speaking to me.
"Oh, yeah I'm good. Don't worry" I sighed and looked back out the window.
"We're here." Luther spoke.
I heard Five unbuckle his seat belt and I did the same. I studied his expression and saw it shift to a slight sadness.
"You know, I never enjoyed it." He spoke.
"What?" Luther asked.
"The killing. I mean, I was...I was good at my work, and I...I took pride in it. But it never gave me pleasure."
He looked at Luther before meeting my eyes. I broke the eye contact and looked down at my folded hands quickly. He looked forward again,
"I think it was all those years alone, solitude can do funny things to the mind." He spoke and looked back at me again.
I know.
But I guess my isolation was all my fault.
I could have talked to people
I just didn't
I sighed.
"Yeah well you were gone for such a long time. Both of you technically." Luther spoke and looked back at me, "I only spent 4 years on the moon, and that was more than enough. It's the being alone that breaks you."
My gaze on my hands wavered as small tears started forming in my eyes.
Yeah it breaks you...
It breaks you heart
And spirit
And mental state
One of the many reasons for my state...
And time traveling too much
The grip of my hands on each other tightened. I looked at my white knuckles and closed my eyes.

When I opened them I was in the dark area again.
"Five?! Five!"
Memories of me looking for Five flooded my mind again. Different time periods of me looking for him flashed before my eyes.
"Five?! Where are you?"
I saw myself frantically jump through time, desperately trying to find him. I saw all the injuries I received, trying to find him.
"Five?! Are you here?!"
The memories flashed through my vision rapidly. I stopped being able to process the images and just heard my screams for Five.
Why did I do this to myself
I placed my hands over my ears, trying to drown out my own voice. I rightly squeezed my eyes closed as the painful memories flashed in front of me.
"Where are you?!"
"Come home!"
"Are you here?!"
"Come back to me!"
"Where are you?!"
I curled myself into a ball and tried to block out the sounds.
"Stop it..." I mumbled.
The voices and images continued.
"Stop! Please!" I cried out.
Nothing stopped.
"SHUT UP!" I screamed out and everything went quiet. Everything became dark.
I sobbed into the silence and held my chest. My heart was beating rapidly and I hugged myself tightly as I cried.
"W-Why me?" My voice trembled as I spoke into the silence. I took deep, desperate breaths as I tried to recover myself. After I steadied my breathing, I slowly stood up. I looked around to find nothing. I held myself and focused.
"Y/N..." I heard a soft voice
"Five?" I looked around.
"Five?! Five where are you?!" I called out.
"Y/N" He spoke but louder.
"Five?! Tell me where you are! Help me!" I screamed out into the nothingness.

I jolted awake to Five shaking my shoulders. I took a deep breath and looked around.
I'm in the car
I met Five's eyes and he looked at me with a concerned expression.
He has climbed to the backseat with me.
"Y/N? Are you ok?"
I stared into his eyes and quickly buried my face into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and cried silently.
"Hey hey hey it's're ok..." he patted my hair softly. I tightened my grip around him as he wrapped an arm around my back.
"Did you go there again?" He whispered.
I nodded.
He hummed in understanding and rested his head on top of mine.
"Five they're here." Luther spoke. Five and I both looked out the windshield at the approaching car. Luther opened his door and stepped out. Five looked at me quickly and gently placed a quick kiss on my forehead. I turned bright red as he opened the side door and climbed out. I climbed out after him and we all stood, waiting for the car to park. He gently grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I blushed and he looked at Luther,
"If this all goes sideways, do me a favor and tell Delores I'm sorry." He spoke.
I softly scoffed as I felt the jealousy rise up again.
"Don't be jealous Y/N. You're more important to me than her." Five whispered to me.
I turned bright red and glanced at him. He seemed to process what he said and turned red as well. We saw Hazel and Cha-Cha get out of their car. They were wearing their masks and Five and I both scoffed. He started walking over and slightly tugged my hand, indicating that I should go with him. All 4 of us wakes to the center.
"The masks really necessary?" Five spoke. He let go of my hand and I softly sighed. I placed both of my hands into my pockets as Hazel and Cha-Cha threw off their masks.
Cha-Cha spoke up, "So where is it kid?"
"Wow, that's how you're gonna start? You know, we can get right back in our car and call it a day." Five sassed her.
She pulled a gun and I tensed, "You won't even make it halfway there."
I pulled my hands out of their pockets and held them over the ground, ready to move it. Five softly grabbed my wrist, telling me to not.
"Maybe." He spoke, "But as I'm sure you found out in your previous foray, my brother, is not your average giant."
"And you'd have to deal with me." I spoke.
Hazel spoke, "They're right Cha-Cha. You dropped a chandelier on him and he got up, and she can kill us in seconds if she tried hard enough."
I smiled
They know my reputation
"By the time you took him out, he'd smash your precious briefcase into a pulp." Five spoke.
"Probably us too right? So how do we help each other?" Hazel asked.
Five responded calmly, "I need you to get in contact with your superior so I can have a chat with her. Face-to-face."
Oh boy
This is gonna be fun

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