Chap 5

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I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I felt really sore, probably from working so much yesterday. I got dressed into my uniform and re-braided my hair. I looked out the window and saw some kids walking down the street. I stared at them having fun and laughing. I smiled and gripped my stomach, wincing slightly as I did so. I looked down at my arm which was covered by the sleeve. I rolled it up and stared at all the scars that littered my arms. I stared at one nasty one that went up my artery. I ran my fingers along it remembering what had happened.

"God you're so worthless Y/N! You should just kill yourself! It would do everyone else a favor! Then you could finally say you did something good!"
I stared blankly at the boy in front of me. We were in an alley and I picked up a glass bottle. I slammed it into the wall next to hi and picked up a shard of glass. I rolled up my sleeve in front of him and pressed the glass into my wrist before dragging it up my entire artery. Blood poured out of my arm and dripped onto the ground.
"Happy?" I asked
"W-W-What the shit?! You actually-" he looked at my arm and turned to the side throwing up. I laughed and dropped the glass. I wiped my finger along the cuts gathering blood and wiped it onto his face. He shrieked and I laughed maniacally. I started getting dizzy and backed away from him and fell to the ground. Everything became blurry and I eventually passed out.
When I woke up I was in the hospital. Somehow I had been saved. Great. My mom is going to kill me.
Flashback over

I stared at my arm and saw a teardrop fall onto it. Klaus then kicked open my door and ran in.
I jumped, "What?!"
"Good morning!"
I chuckled and kept my arms behind my back, pulling down the sleeve.
"How's your stomach?" He asked.
"It still hurts, a lot actually, but it's not bleeding as much"
"That's good I guess"
We both heard the bell for breakfast and Klaus started to walk out of my room. I just stood there.
"Y/N you coming?"
"Yeah you have to eat with us now"
"Oh ok"
We walked out of my room and Five met up with us.
"Y/N you know you can't talk at breakfast right?" He asked me.
"What? Um no I didn't"
"You can't speak, or sit until Dad says. Oh and you can't leave until Dad says."
"That's really strict but ok"
We walked down the stairs and they told me where to sit. Mr. Hargreeves walked in and commanded we sit. When he finished eating he dismissed us. As we were walking up the stairs Grace told us we had the day to ourselves because Me. Hargreeves would be working. I walked up to my room and sat on my bed. Klaus ran in and jumped onto my bed, making me bounce up. I giggled and Five spatial jumped into my room.
"Hey Five"
"Hey Y/N, hey Klaus"
"Hiiiieeeeeeeee" Klaus giggles out.
I looked at my doorway and saw Vonya walking by. I stood and walked out to her.
"Hey Vonya!"
She stopped and turned to look at me, "Y/N?"
"Why are you talking to me?"
"What do you mean?"
"The only one who even acknowledges me is Five"
"Well there's 2 people now!"
She smiled at me, which I kindly returned.
"Wanna hang out with us?" I asked.
She nodded and followed me into my room. Five and Klaus looked at me then Vonya.
"Why is she here?" Klaus Asked. Not in a mean way, just out of plain curiosity.
"Because she's nice and wants to hang out with us."
Five shrugged and sat on my floor. Vonya sat next to him and I sat across from him with Klaus still on the bed. We all talked for about an hour, just bonding and having fun. Allison joined us eventually, and soon Luther did too. Eventually Diego joined us so he wouldn't be alone. We were all talking and having a fun time when Grace called me out of the room. The others looked at me in confusion as I walked out.
"Mr. Hargreeves wants to do some more tests with you" she told me.
My eyes widened slightly in fear. I gripped my stomach tightly and looked at her. "I don't really think that's a good idea-"
"He won't take no for an answer Y/N"
"Come along now"
I saw the others staring at me through the doorway and I quietly waved at them before following Grace.

Klaus's POV
"Is he seriously doing more training with her?!" I asked.
"Seems like it" Diego commented.
"But you guys saw what happened yesterday! Shouldn't he wait until she heals" I protested.
"Yeah she looked like she was bleeding out" Luther commented.
"Maybe she's going to join the team guys! Maybe that's why he's training her so much, to try and train her quickly so she can go on missions with us!" I chirped, suddenly happy.
Five spoke up, "Is that really a good idea? We all heard her say it herself, her powers aren't the most stable. We saw that yesterday with the time travel"
"But imagine how much she could help us!"
"But it could hurt her!"
"Only the time travel!"
Five and I bickered back and forth and the others besides Vonya left.
"It's dangerous Klaus"
"Since when do you care? You literally suggested we leave her on the streets!"
"That was before I knew her!"
"Still counts!"
He groaned and glared at me. He then teleported out of the room. And I sighed. Vonya left too, probably to go talk to Five. Eventually I went back to my room too.

~~~A couple hours later~~~
I walked back to my room, holding my stomach and sat on my bed. I flopped backwards and stared at my ceiling.
Five spatial jumped next to me and I jumped.
"AH...Jesus Five...what the heck"
He laughed and laid down on his back next to me. We chatted until it was really late when he left to go to bed. I changed into my pajamas and laid down in my bed. I stared at my ceiling before slowly drifting off and falling asleep.

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