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At noon, Juliet was waiting in Snow's loft when the door opened. She ran down the stairs to hear him say "We'll have to purchase another plane ticket." Juliet put on her coat. "We're flying?" Rumple nodded. Juliet nodded
In the car, Emma looked back at Juliet. "Are you sure about this? You've never been over the town line." Juliet shrugged. "I think I'll be fine."

As they crossed the town line, Juliet shifted in her seat. Henry looked over at her. "You good?" Juliet nodded. "Yeah, let's do this."
When they got on the airplane, Juliet closed her eyes. It was going to be a long flight. By the time she opened her eyes, they were there. She looked out the window. "Your son is in New York?" Rumple nodded. "Alright."
They got into a cab and drove through Manhattan. When they got to where they needed to be, she opened the door to the cab. They opened the door.

While they went inside, Juliet stood outside. Eventually, she saw someone running away. She started running after him, but stopped when Emma started sprinting. Juliet sighed, and walked back to Rumple and Henry. "Emma's fine." Henry nodded.

When Emma got back, Juliet was so close to falling asleep that her eyes were closed. Emma sighed. Rumple folded his arms. "Did you find him." Emma shook her head. "Sorry, your son... got away."

Rumple started to fiddle with the buttons. Emma rolled her eyes. "Gold, wait. What are you doing?" Juliet rubbed her eyes and stood up. "What's happening?" Rumple pressed a button. "I'm finding my son." Emma sighed. "He's gone." Juliet walked over to Henry. "He lives here. He'll be back, and I'll be waiting."
They walked up to his apartment, and Juliet had to keep rubbing her eyes she was so tired. Henry noticed this. He tugged on her arm. "Juliet, you don't look so good." Juliet shrugged. "It's been a long day." Henry nodded. "Maybe there's a couch in there where you could lie down." Juliet nodded. "Maybe."
They opened the door, and Juliet sprinted to the couch. "Wake me up when you find something." She said drowsily.

An hour later, Juliet was woken up by Henry. "Whoa, what are you doing?" Henry gestured to Rumple, who was yelling at Emma. Juliet quickly stood up. "Yeah, let's go somewhere else." Henry ran into the other room, and Juliet slowly followed him.

All of a sudden the door opened. In walked a man. He looked from Rumple to Emma to Juliet. When he saw Juliet, his eyes widened. "Juliet?" Juliet tilted her head. "Baelfire?"

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