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Juliet looked over at Emma, who was reuniting with her mother. She walked over to Henry. "Hey." Snow looked over at them. "I remember you. You stayed in our castle until the curse hit." Juliet nodded. "Yep, that's me." She sighed. "What was that smoke?" Mother Superior, the blue fairy, walked towards them. "Magic. It's here, I can feel it."

Henry tilted his head. "Magic? In Storybrooke? But you're the Blue Fairy, do something magical." The blue fairy sighed. "It's not quite that simple. No wand, no fairy dust. Matters are complicated now." Leroy nodded. "Let's go to the person responsible for bringing it. Regina." Juliet looked at Henry, then at Emma. "It wasn't Regina."

Juliet stood outside of Regina's house. Since magic was back, Juliet was going to have to figure out how to get comfortable with using her magic again. She looked up into her window. This was going to take a while. She closed her eyes and pictured her room. This was normally the way she transported to a certain place.

She concentrated really hard. If she couldn't get ahold of her magic, how would she ever see Peter again? She opened her eyes. Unfortunately, she was still outside. Juliet sighed. "Okay, let's try again." She closed her eyes, and pictured her room. Only this time, she didn't think of anything but her room. She opened her eyes, and she was in her room. A smile grew on her face. "Yes!"

Her happiness was short lived, because a commotion was heard outside. Juliet opened the window and poked her head out. Outside was a mob of people ready to storm Regina's house. Juliet rolled her eyes.

"Listening to you has been enough suffering for all of us." Regina looked at the crowd. "That's right. You wanted to see your queen. Well, here she is." She extended her arms, and nothing happened. Juliet quietly chuckled.

Things quickly escalated from there. Dr. Whale went to attack Regina, Charming stopped Dr. Whale, and Juliet closed her window to stay away from the noise.

Later that night, Juliet was walking through town when she heard commotion in the Sheriff's office. "This day just keeps getting better and better." She mumbled, then went inside.

Inside, Regina was getting her soul sucked out by a wraith. Charming was trying to help, but he wasn't succeeding. Juliet held out her hands, and a teal fireball shot out at the wraith. It let Regina go and flew out the window. Charming and Regina looked at the teenager. "You're welcome."

"What the hell was that thing?" Regina slowly stood up. "A wraith. A soul-sucker." She turned to Juliet. "What the hell was that?" Juliet sighed. "You may not be able to use your magic, but I am." Regina regained her breath. Snow looked at Juliet. "Did you...?" Regina scoffed. "Kill it? No, it's regenerating. It'll be back. It doesn't stop until it devours its prey." Juliet sighed. "You."

Emma nodded. "So how do we kill it?" Juliet shook her head. "There's no way. You can't kill something that's already dead." Emma sighed. "Then we have a problem."

"No we don't" Juliet turned her head to Charming. "Regina does." Juliet's eyes widened. This was not the Prince Charming she remembered. "Huh?" Snow tilted her head. "David?" Emma joined in. "You want to let her die?" Charming nodded. "Why not? Then it goes away. Then we're safe." Regina smirked. "That's quite the example you're setting for your daughter."

Charming walked towards her. "No. You don't get to judge us." Juliet stepped in between Charming and Regina. "Back up." Regina sighed. "Let me ask you something. Where do you think that came from? Gold." Juliet turned her head towards the door. "I made a promise to Henry. She's not dying." Snow smiled. "If it cannot be killed then what do you suggest?" Regina thought about it for a moment. "Send it somewhere it cannot hurt anyone." Juliet knew exactly what she was talking about. "The Enchanted Forest."

While everyone else went inside, Juliet stood outside City Hall. She was in charge of making sure the wraith never got inside. As she stood, she heard a noise above her. Slowly, she looked up. Above her was the wraith. With a swish of its hand, Juliet was sent flying backwards. She hit the house, and fell to the ground.

When she opened her eyes, the wraith was already in the building. She stood up and raced into the building.

Inside, Regina was trying to get the hat to work. Juliet jumped over the flaming rails and ran over to Regina. "Here, mind if I try?" Regina nodded. "Be my guest." Juliet sighed, and grabbed the hat. With a swift movement, she spun the hat. Purple smoke came out of the hat, and Juliet stood back. The wraith flew towards the hat, and on it's way down, it grabbed both Juliet and Emma. Snow's eyes widened, and she jumped in too. 

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