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Juliet was woken up by footsteps going to Henry's room. Groggily, she stood up and made her way over to her door. She saw Regina open the door to Henry's room and poke her head inside. 

"Henry?" She called out. "Come with me, something's happened." Juliet perked up. She stepped out into the hall.

"What happened?" Regina turned around to face the redhead. 

"I don't know, but we have to go." Juliet's eyes widened. She immediately dashed back into her room to get changed and followed Henry and Regina out the door.

When they got to the convent, there was the usual group on the steps, surrounding a bodybag. Juliet immediately recognized the body. The Blue Fairy. 

"What the hell happened?" Regina asked. David sighed, standing up. 

"The Shadow, it killed her." Juliet tilted her head in confusion. Regina seemed just as confused.

"Pan's shadow? I trapped it on the sail." Emma sighed.

"Yeah, well it got free." Juliet looked around her, trying to see if she could spot the Shadow anywhere. And also she didn't want to look at the body any more than she had to. 

"Hook, let's go back to the ship and get the candle." Neal stated, walking over to Hook. "If it strikes again, we need to be able to capture it." The two men and Tink left the scene. 

"Pan's behind this, I know it." Emma stood up. 

"Well, he's trapped in a box under the floor of Gold's shop." Regina argued. Juliet folded her arms. 

"Who else would be doing this?" Emma shot back. Henry stepped forward.

"So, Pan can still hurt me?" Regina sighed. 

"We don't know." 

"But we have to assume he's still a threat." Mary Margaret added on. 

"And that he's after Henry." Emma concluded the thought. Juliet looked at the young boy. He looked scared.

"Then what am I doing here?" He asked. 

"He's right. He's not safe out in the open." David agreed. Henry turned to Regina, which confused the other three adults. 

"You'll protect me, right?" Regina nodded, bringing Henry in for a hug. 

"Well, yes of course." Emma clearly seemed put off by this. 

"Go. We'll take care of the Shadow." Regina and Henry started walking away. Emma went after them to talk to Regina. Juliet sighed. 

"Is there anything I can do?" David and Mary Margaret looked at each other. 

"Well, if the Shadow can't get to Henry, it'll probably go after you, so you should probably get home. We'll let you know when we capture it." David responded, and Juliet frowned. She knew where they were coming from. It seemed like the most sense, but she was still a little hurt that they didn't want to include her in their plans. Any of them. She nodded. 

"Okay." She turned on her heel and headed back to the house. When she got back to the house, she plopped down on her bed and stared out the window. She hated feeling this useless. 

After a few minutes of doing nothing but looking out the window, Juliet's phone rang. She went to grab it, and answered it.

"Hello?" She asked. 

"Are Regina and Henry with you?" She heard Emma's voice on the other side. Juliet sighed.

"No, they never came here. I don't know where they are." She paused. Something must be up if they're asking her where Regina was. "Why?" Emma was about to answer, but then Juliet heard the door open. 

"Juliet?" She heard Henry call out from the first floor. 

"I think that's them." She said into the phone, getting up and walking to the door. 

"Juliet, wait. That's not..." Emma didn't get to finish her sentence because Juliet had hung up the phone. She ran downstairs and saw that Henry was by himself. 

"Henry? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Regina. Where is she?" Henry shook his head. 

"She said she was going to get something, and then she didn't come back. I didn't know what to do, so I came here." Juliet nodded. 

"Okay, I can keep you safe until we figure out what's going on." She turned her gaze to her pocket where she was grabbing her phone. "Let me just call Emma to tell her to keep an eye out for Regina." 

Turning on her phone, Juliet lifted her head. She was immediately met with Henry opening a vial in her face. As the smoke surrounded her head, she felt her vision go dark as she hit the floor. 

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