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Juliet was searching all over town when she got a phone call from Charming. 

"Hello?" She could hear Charming and Snow talking on the other end. 

"We found Regina. She's at the docks. Emma and Neal are already there." Juliet looked around. Luckily, the docks weren't that far away. 

"Got it. I'll be there in two minutes." She hung up the phone and started running toward the docks. There was no way that she was gonna let her aunt die. 

When she got to the docks, she found Greg Mendell and Regina. Regina was strapped to a table, hooked up to a machine that was electrocuting her. Greg looked up at her in shock. 

"Hey!" The young redhead yelled as she held out her hand. Greg went flying back. Juliet then ran over to the table and started unfastening the straps. "It's okay. You're getting out of here." Regina looked up at her, dazed and puzzled. 

"Juliet?" Juliet pulled the circle attached to wire off of her face. She heard gunshots behind her and she covered her ears. Charming had shot the box and Greg started running. Charming chased after him. Juliet turned her attention to her aunt. 

"Are you okay? Can you walk?" Regina sat up slowly, holding on to Juliet for support. Snow came running in. "We have to get her help." Snow nodded, grabbing onto Regina's arm so that they were both holding her up. 

"We have to get her to Mother Superior." 

They got Regina back to the loft and Mother Superior showed up to help. She was running her wand over Regina, who was lying in bed. 

"Now that the cuff is off" She started. "She's gonna be okay, given time and rest. Her magic will return." The door opened and Emma walked in, looking very frazzled. Juliet raised an eyebrow. 

"Emma, what happened?" Emma said nothing. "Emma, what is it?" The blonde looked up at her parents. 

"Where's Neal?" Snow asked. Emma sighed. 

"He's gone. She killed him." Juliet took a step back. Even though she only knew Neal for a short time in Neverland and she hadn't seen him in thirty years, it was still sad. Emma and Charming walked over to the stairs. 

"Emma, I am so sorry." Emma looked down. 

"How am I gonna tell Henry?" 

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