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The Jolly Roger pulled up to a dock in the Enchanted Forest, and Juliet sat up tall enough to see that the captain was talking to a woman in a dress. Immediately, she froze. She knew exactly who the lady was. "Juliet." Paisley whispered. "What are you doing?" Juliet sat back down, and looked at Paisley. "It's Hook. He's selling us to my grandmother." 

The two teenage girls waited until the other members of the ship went in for a drink. Then, Juliet stood up, grabbed Paisley's hand, and started walking. They made it off of the ship in perfect timing, and wove through the crowd of the town. 

Eventually, they were caught. "Well well well." A member of Hook's crew stood in front of them. "The captain's not going to like this." Juliet smirked, and held out her hand. Immediately, the guard fell asleep. "He won't find out for a while." She then looked around to make sure no one saw, then started to run. 

"Come on Paisley, we need to outrun them." Juliet was running as fast as she could while Paisley was struggling to keep up. "We're way ahead of them. Can we stop for a little bit?" Juliet stopped, and looked back at Paisley with a look that said seriously? Paisley nodded. "Okay, nevermind." Juliet nodded, and they were on the run again.

Eventually, they got to a castle. Without thinking who the castle must belong to, she knocked on the door. She kept looking back. The door opened slowly to reveal a pregnant woman. "Can I help you?" Juliet nervously nodded. "Can we come in?" The woman noticed that they were looking behind them. She took a look at the two teenage girls in front of her. They didn't look like spies from the Queen, so they maybe could be trusted. "Come on in." 

Meanwhile on the Jolly Roger, Captain Hook walked the lady onto the boat. She frowned when she realized that there were no girls on board. "And where are they?" Hook was surprised to see they weren't there. "I don't know." She chuckled. "It's alright, Hook. We'll find the girls." She walked off the boat. "Now come along, we have somewhere to go." Hook sighed.

"Alright, Cora."

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