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At Archie's funeral, Juliet looked down at the coffin. "I promise, Archie, I will find out who did this." She wiped a tear off her face and walked over to Henry. "You okay?" Henry shook his head, crying. Juliet hugged him. "It's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay."
At Snow's, Juliet kept an eye on her younger cousin, who was staring out the window. She sighed. Emma walked over to her. "You good?" Juliet nodded. "Yeah, did you keep your cool after I went inside?" Emma narrowed her eyes, playfully. Juliet folded her arms. "Is he gonna be okay?" Emma shrugged. "I hope so." Juliet nodded. "I will be back."

Juliet walked to Gold's shop, her letter in hand. If anyone could figure this out, it was Mr. Gold. Before she could get there, she saw him talking to Belle. She slowly opened the door. "Mr Gold?" He turned around, and sighed. "We're closed." Juliet walked inside the store. "What happened?" Belle sighed. "A pirate attacked me." Juliet's eyes widened. She turned to Rumple. "Was it Hook?" Rumple nodded, and Juliet brought her hand to her mouth. "I was going to ask you about something, but it can wait." She then left.

Juliet sprinted to her house, and opened the door. "Regina?" Nothing. Juliet picked up the phone. She dialed, and called. "Hello?" Juliet gulped. "Emma, it's Juliet. I just found out something from Gold. You're never gonna believe this. H-" All of a sudden, the phone flew onto the ground.

Juliet turned around to see Regina. "What the hell Regina?" Regina chuckled. "I cannot have you foiling my plan." Juliet raised an eyebrow. "What plan?" Regina smiled. "Right, right." She waved her hand, and she turned out to be Cora. "Hello, Juliet." Juliet stepped back, and everything went black.

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