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 After yelling at Emma, Regina pretty much stormed out of Granny's. Juliet followed her out of the diner to check on her, followed by Emma.

"Regina..." Emma started talking, obviously feeling a little guilty for bringing Marian back. Regina simply shook her head.

"Not now, Swan." Emma sighed,

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "When I brought Marian back, I didn't know who she was. I didn't intend to cause you pain." Regina turned around to face Emma.

"Well, your intentions really don't matter. Because once again, I've felt the brunt of heroism." She scoffed. "Always the villain. Even when I'm not." Juliet folded her arms. It hurt to see Regina this upset.

"What was I supposed to do?" Emma asked.

"Well, you were dumb enough to travel through time, maybe you should have left well enough alone." Regina retorted, rolling her eyes. Emma frowned.

"I am not going to apologize for saving someone's life."

"She was going to die anyway. What did it matter?" Emma put her hands on her hips.

"What mattered was she was a person. And whatever she did, she didn't deserve to die." Regina shrugged. As Juliet listened to their conversation, she turned her head to look inside Granny's. She noticed that Marian would look at her a few times, then quickly look back to her husband and child. Juliet raised an eyebrow, puzzled. She figured Marian would be looking at Regina, not at some girl she's never met.

"Well, maybe she did." Emma sighed.

"Well, you would know. I saved her from you." Juliet whipped her head back around. She did not just go back to the fact that Regina used to be the Evil Queen.

"The woman who did that?" Regina started, even more upset. "That was the person I was, not the person I am. I've worked very hard to build a future. A future that's now gone." Emma folded her arms.

"You don't know that." She argued.

"Well, I know it's complicated enough that his dead wife is back." Emma sighed, closing her eyes.

"Regina, for that I am sorry. If there's anything I can do to help." Regina chuckled, shaking her head.

"Swan. The more you try to help, the worse my life becomes." Behind Emma, the door opened and Robin came rushing out with his wife.

"Marian. Please, meet her. She's not at all what you think." He walked down the stairs and over to Regina. "Regina, I want you to meet Marian." He looked from his girlfriend to his dead wife. "I want us to talk about this." Marian looked at the two of them, and it looked like she connected the dots.

"Wait, were you two... Are you together?" Marian asked. Juliet sighed.

"Here we go." She muttered to herself.

"Marian, please..." Robin tried to explain.

"You and the Evil Queen?" Marian asked in disbelief. "Did you let her near my son? Do you know what she's done, the terror she's inflicted?" David and Mary Margaret joined in the conversation with baby Neal.

"Is everything okay?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Well, no one's been incinerated yet, so that's a good sign." David observed. They looked at Regina.

"Regina, are you alright?" Marian looked back at the Charmings, even more shocked.

"What? What is wrong with you people? Why are you talking to her? Don't you know who she is?" Juliet folded her arms. She was starting to really not like Marian.

"Mom, what's going on?" Henry asked. Marian pointed to Regina.

"She's a monster." Regina made a fist like she was going to use magic, but stopped herself.

"No. She's..." Emma started to say, but then Marian picked up Roland and walked back into Granny's. Regina sighed, walking in the opposite direction. "Regina." Emma went to go after her, but Hook stopped her.

"No good has ever come of pushing that woman. Give her space." He advised. David sighed.

"Yeah, but it's what she does in that space I'm worried about."

"You don't think she'll become evil again? She can't. She's come too far." Henry asked. When no one else answered, Juliet shook her head.

"No, I just think she needs space to cool off. She's not going to suddenly become the Evil Queen again because Emma brought back her boyfriend's dead wife." Emma shot Juliet a look. "What?" Emma sighed.

"I hope you're right. Both of you." She hugged Henry, and the rest of them watched Regina storm off. Juliet looked back behind her to see Marian, once again looking at her. Juliet furrowed her brows, and Marian looked away. Why was she looking at Juliet so much? Did she meet her when she was briefly in the Enchanted Forest right before the curse?

When Juliet got back home, she went over to Regina's room and knocked on the door.

"Aunt Regina?" She waited a few minutes to see if Regina would respond. After a few minutes, Juliet sighed and walked back to her room. Regina was obviously ignoring everyone, Juliet included. 

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