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The next day, Jade saw the yellow buggy on the street, and she knew that Henry was right. She quickly got dressed and headed out the door.

Before she could open the door, she heard her aunt call her name. "Jade?" Jade turned around to face Regina. "Hi Aunt Regina." She gripped her backpack harder. Regina noticed this. "Jade, you might want to lighten your grip on that bag." Jade looked at her hand, and chuckled. "Is that all, because I really have to get to school." Regina smiled. "That's all. Have a nice day." Jade walked outside.

As the day went on, Jade found herself doodling in her notebook. Most of it was the things she found interesting. Except for one thing. The minute she dozed off while doodling, she drew something that was definitely not in Storybrooke. She looked down at her drawing, trying to figure out what it meant.

After school, Jade saw Regina talking to Henry. She walked over to them. "Hey, what's going on?" Regina looked up at her niece. "Henry's birth mother stole his file from Dr. Hopper's office." Jade was half listening. "Uh huh. Cool." Regina knew Jade wasn't listening, and so did Henry. "I gotta get back to class." Henry subtly motioned for Jade to follow him. Regina just walked away. "Henry, what are you doing?" Henry looked around, then his voice got really quiet. "I need your help in bailing my mom out." Jade chuckled. "Henry, as much as I would love to, I don't have any money." Henry nodded. "I know, which is why we're getting help."

Meanwhile at the mayor's house, Regina walked into her room and saw the storybook was open to a certain page. She looked at it and saw Jade. Except she wasn't Jade, she was Juliet. Regina looked over to the next page and started to read. "...born to the Wicked Witch of the West and the God of Death, Juliet may have been the most powerful magic wielder in all the realms. She possibly could be more powerful than the Dark One." Regina slammed the book shut, and walked over to Jade's room. She started to look around for a sign that Jade knew who she really was. "Come on, damn it."

At the sheriff's station, Jade, Henry, and Mary Margaret Blanchard walked over to Emma. "Henry, Jade, what are you two doing here?" Mary Margaret sighed. "His mother told him what happened." Emma sighed. "Of course she did." Emma looked at Henry. "Listen, I don't know what she said..." Henry only smiled. "You're a genius." Jade looked at Emma, and shrugged.

That night, as Jade fell asleep, her aunt stood at her door. Regina hoped that Jade wouldn't remember who she was. Little did she know, Jade was dreaming of another memory.

The little girl from her other dream was sitting in her room. Her mother was downstairs plotting what to do about Regina. It was Juliet's 10th birthday. She sat at her windowsill looking out. All of a sudden, a shadowy figure came to her window. The figure looked at her. Juliet stood up, alarmed. The shadow held out its hands in front of itself, as if to show he was unarmed. "Don't be scared, Juliet. I won't hurt you." She was wary, and looked behind her. The shadow noticed that she had a small cupcake in front of her. "Is it your birthday?" Juliet shakily nodded. "You could come to Neverland, where you'll never be alone. Pan has been looking for a companion." Juliet sighed. "Tempting, but no. I can't leave my mom." The shadow sighed. "We'll meet again soon." He then left. Juliet placed her hands on the windowsill and looked out. A piece of paper flew in her room. She looked back as the piece fell on the floor. She walked closer and found that it was a map of a strange land. At the top of the paper, a word was spelled out.

Jade opened her eyes and sat up sharply. She looked at the alarm clock by her bed. It was midnight. She ran to her closet and grabbed her jewlery box from a few years ago. She opened the box and pulled out a key. She looked up at the window.

Putting on a jacket, she carefully opened her bedroom window and poked her head out. The crisp autumn wind blew in her face. She placed the key in her pocket and stepped out onto the roof. Once she got to the edge of the roof, Jade jumped to the ground. She looked up to make sure her aunt wasn't looking, then started to walk towards the forest.

Once she got far enough, Jade walked to a tree with a hole in it. The hole went down three feet. She reached down and grabbed the object in the hole, which was another box. She used her key to open the box, and pulled out a piece of paper. As soon as she glanced at it, her eyes went wide. She read the word out loud. "Neverland." 

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