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A few days later, Regina was getting ready for her weekly "council meetings". Henry was reading a comic book and Jade was doodling. " I know you think otherwise, but I don't enjoy these Saturday city council meetings. Sometimes, they're just unavoidable." She walked over to Henry. "Now, you know the rules." Henry nodded. "Yes on homework, no on tv, stay inside, listen to Jade." Regina smiled and ruffled his hair. She then looked at Jade. "Make sure he doesn't leave." Jade nodded. "You got it." Regina nodded, then looked back at Henry.

"Under no circumstances are you to leave this house." Henry folded his arms. "You mean no sneaking out to see my mom." Regina frowned. "She's not your mother. She's just a woman passing through. Now, do as I say, or there will be consequences. I'll be back at five sharp." She then left. Henry looked at Jade. "Can you stay here in case she comes back?" Jade sighed. "Sure." He gave her a hug, then ran out the door. Jade chuckled and started doing her homework. Eventually, she got too tired and fell asleep.

By the time she woke up, Henry was back. "Henry, where were you?" She asked curiously. Henry smiled. "I-" He was cut off by Regina entering the home. "I see you're in the exact same spot you were this morning." She said this suspiciously. Jade smiled. "I left my stuff here and went upstairs to do homework. Then, Henry and I had something to eat, then he went up to his room and I worked on my homework." Regina nodded, half-believing her story. She went into the other room. Henry made sure she couldn't hear them, and then leaned in to whisper. "I met Cinderella." Jade nodded. "Okay, what does she do?" Henry thought about it for a moment. "She just had a baby, like today." Jade's eyes widened. "She what?"

Jade walked through the doors of Mr. Gold's shop later that day. "Ah, Jade. Care for anything?" Jade shook her head. "I just want to know something." Mr. Gold nodded. "And what exactly is that?" She folded her arms. "Does this mean anything to you?" She placed the book in front of him, open to an illustration of the Dark One. Mr. Gold raised an eyebrow. "Well well well, someone else is awake." Jade raised her eyebrows. "You've known this whole time?" Mr. Gold shook his head. "I found out when the Savior came to town." Jade nodded. "It's good to see someone else remembers, Rumple." Rumple smirked. "You too, Juliet." 

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