Chapter Seventy One: Goodbye

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Abby hit the ground and laid there, it didn't even look real.

"Abby!" I cried

I ran over to her and held her in my arms, she wasn't moving.

"Abby! can you hear me?! Please wake up!" I cried

"Wow, that was unexpected. I'm glad she took the hit, I didn't want to kill you like that" Delacroix said

I felt cold, I heard nothing, felt nothing, saw nothing. It was if I wasn't even there. I laid Abby down gently and got up. I walked over to Delacroix.

"You already lost, don't even try" Delacroix said

I threw a fist towards him, but it didn't reach him. I did it again but it did the same.

"Wow, that's just sad" Delacroix said

I felt so empty inside, the one person I loved was dead because I was too weak to beat Delacroix. Delacroix pulled out a long, sharp sword.

"Welp, I guess this just fate. We all knew where this was gonna be going" Delacroix said

I let out a weak grunt as I felt something enter my stomach. I looked down and I saw a sword in my stomach, blood pooled out and covered the ground.

"It wasn't supposed to end any other way" Delacroix said

This was it, I was going to die, but it was what I deserve. It was what I deserved for not saving the one I loved.


"Hey Rick?" Abby asked

"What's up?" I said

We were in Abby's house, playing on her Xbox. School was let out and Abby and I went to her house to hang out.

"If I were to get kidnapped or killed, would you keep fighting till the end" Abby asked

"Wh...what?!" I laughed

"Hey! Answer the question" Abby replied

I thought for a moment, why would Abby ask me something like this. I mean what could a guy like me do.

"Well, I'd keep fighting" I said

"Really?" Abby asked

"Yeah, I mean that's what you want right. I'll try my best to not give up even when things look bleak" I said

Abby nodded, satisfied with my answer.

"But to be honest, what can a guy like me do. Why not have someone better than me do it" I asked

"Well, I think you can do amazing things, even if you don't think so" Abby said

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah, your an amazing person" Abby said, slugging my shoulder


"no..." I rasped

"What?" Delacroix said, surprised

I grabbed the blade that penetrated my insides and squeezed onto it, blood coming from my hand.

"I reject your fate..." I rasped

I slowly began sliding the blade out of my gut. Delacroix was surprised by my sudden actions.

"Rrrraaagggghhhh!!" I cried

Using my right arm, which was still broken and swollen, I pushed Delacroix away, sending him flying into his missile. I created a shockwave that brought the whole roof of the building down, I pulled out the sword and in pain, dropped to the ground. Delacroix looked up and our eyes met. Sparks came off my body and shot far and wide in every direction, and both my eyes were glowing bright yellow, almost white.

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