Chapter Sixty Three: Commence Attack

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We arrived in Portland, we knew where Delacroix was the second we entered town.

"I assume it's the tower with the glowing lights and stuff on it" I said

"Well, it looks like any other one we have been to" Jason said

We made a few turns here and there, but after a while we made it. We stopped outside the gate that had about 12 guards stationed, guns loaded and ready to fire at any intruder. Mercedees looked back at us.

"You guys ready?" she asked

I pulled out my gun and rolled down the window.

"I am" I said

Jason cocked his Beretta ARX160, Jessica told me about that one, and also rolled down his window.

"You bet your ass I am!" Jason grinned

Mercedees stepped on the gas and the jeep launched forward and crashed straight through the gate. We were surrounded by gunfire instantly. I stuck my body out the window with my Five Seven and started to shoot, I managed to hit about 3 guards, one in the head, another in the chest, and the last one in the leg, before I went back into the jeeps interior.

"Alright! The rest of the team made it through let's get moving, push your way towards the tower!!" Mercedees shouted

We all got out of the Jeep and got behind some cover. I fired my pistol some more until I heard a click. Jessica told me that the click signals that my gun was empty on bullets.

"I'm out!" I shouted

Jason came running over and took cover with me.

"Don't worry, I got you!!" Jason cried, blind firing his gun.

"Thanks!" I said, pulling an extra clip from my pocket

"If Dash was here, he'd have my head if he found out you died" Jason said, reloading his gun

I got up and started to fire with my fresh clip, I hit about 5 guys before ducking back down. I looked at the entrance of the tower and there were no guards near there.

"Go for the entrance of the tower while we have the chance!" I shouted, running toward the entrance

Before I reached the tower's entrance, a guard came out, and I was staring down the barrel of his gun.

"Kick his gun!" A voice cried

I kicked the gun out of his hands and after he dropped it, I created a sword and finished him off.

"Slash upward diagonally!" A voice cried

I did an upward slash with my sword and just as I did, I heard metal breaking.

"Did I just cut a bullet!" I said to myself

The voice gave me direction and before I realized it, I was blocking incoming bullets from multiple directions. Was this Rick's full power?

"Alright! make sure no one gets through this door" Mercedees shouted

Mercedees turned to me.

"You know what to do" Mercedees said

"Fisher, Macy, come with me." I called

"On it!" Fisher said

"Alrighty!" Macy said

Fisher, Macy, and I made our way to the elevator and pressed the button to go to the 25th floor.

"What do you think is up there?" Macy asked

"Guards, guards, and more guards what do you expect?" I said

"Well sorry, I'm not used to this whole breaking an entering thing...well not by walking through the front door that is" Macy said

The door opened and we were greeted by a guard.

"Quick! Get down!!" Macy shouted

Fisher and I got down to the ground right as Macy transferred the energy from the lights to the guard. He fell over, smoking.

"Hahahahahahaha, who's ready for some steak, it's medium rare" Macy laughed

"It smells like...chicken?" I said, grossed out at the comparison of a burnt human corpse and chicken

"Smells good right?" Macy smiled

"I'm gonna barf..." Fisher said

"We need to find the computer room, but be careful. There could be more guards" I said

"I can take care of that" Macy said

"How?" I asked

"When I say go, I want you two to jump as high as you can" Macy said

"Alright" Fisher and I said

"1...2...3..." Macy said

Fisher and I got ready to jump.

"Go!" Shouted Macy

Macy placed her hands on the ground as soon as we jumped. The whole ground flashed.

"That should do it" Macy said, brushing off her hands

"What did you do?" Fisher asked

"I used all the energy I had stored and let it out through the floor" Macy replied

"Wait, that means it traveled throughout the entire building!" I said

"Don't worry, There is a limit to how far it reaches, it only got this floor" Macy asked

"Oh...alright, good" I said

"We need to get moving" Fisher said

"Right, let's find the computer room"

We all made our way down the halls, it was like a maze, but after awhile we found the computer room.

"Great, we found it" Macy said

"And not a moment to soon" Fisher sighed, relieved of the thought that he'd be left wandering for another hour.

"Alright guys, watch my back while I access the files and upload them into the hard drive" I said

Fisher pumps his shotgun

"Got it" Fisher said

Macy moves her hands together, they start crackling with energy.

"Satan is on the job!" Macy shouted

I nodded and turned around. I put the hard drive in and started looking.

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