Chapter Thirty Six: Facility # 82402

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I walked outside, SUV's were pulled up by the house and Mercedees was loading people on.

"Hey, what is the ETA" I asked

"For what?" Mercedees asked

"The facility, duh" I said

"Oh! I would say that it is maybe twenty to thirty minutes" Mercedes replied

The last of the SUV was the one I got in, it was very cramped due to some of the team members being packed into one vehicle. I think I would've been more comfortable running there, but I didn't want to leave anyone behind, and I don't know where the place exactly is. Mercedees was going over the plan one more time, to make sure everyone knew what they were doing. After she went over the plan, we were all ready, I started to put the bullets into my clip. One it was full, I slid the clip into the gun, and it made a satisfying click. The ride was pretty smooth besides being cramped in the vehicle and we arrived at the facility around 1:34 in the morning, everyone in my vehicle got out, and I was the last one.

"Alright everyone, get with your team leaders" Mercedees called out.

People got with there team leads, I noticed Jessica, Jason, and another guy, which I'm assuming is Matt, all gathered around me. I decided to bring up what I was planning

"Okay guys! we need to change the plan up a bit" I said

They all looked at me surprised.

"What?! Why?!" said Jessica

"What are you saying dude?" Jason questioned

"...huh? what sorry I wasn't listening..." said Matt

"I have to find some way into the facility's archives, or something that can give info on what the other buildings are doing." I said in a serious tone

"What for exactly?!" Jessica asked.

"I need to find where Mr. Delacroix, he's not that important right now" I said

"I found it" Jessica called

I looked over at her, confused. She blushed a little and started to tap the ends of her finger together.

"It's 1500 meters from here" she said

"How did you know that?" I asked her, in a harsher tone then I was intending. Is it possible that Jessica also met with Delacroix sometime in her life?

"I...I...I...don't want to talk about it right now" Jessica said, apparently not liking the subject I'm on. I nodded in understanding.

"Alright! Anyway, we need to move" I said, I pulled my handgun out of my pocket and held the grip with both hands. I've fired a gun before, but this would be the first time I would be shooting to kill. We made our way to the outer wall of the facility, I couldn't see any other way around it

"Shit..." I cursed

I took a step back and ran, trying to use my speed to run up the wall, I ran up about before losing my traction and falling backward. I fell flat on my back, I let out a cough before cursing to myself for my stupidity

"Alright...does anyone...have any explosives" I asked, trying to get my breath back

Matt without saying a word, walked up to the wall and placed his hand on the wall, within seconds an explosion was released from his hand, blowing a big hole in the wall. Sirens started blaring, some of our teammates were running through the hole. How many of "us" were there?

"We need to move!" I shouted, trying to ignore the fact that I witnessed another person with powers.

My team and I ran through the rubble of the destroyed wall and started laying down gunfire. I managed to get about 4 guys as everyone was firing around me.

"I'm gonna go up to the top of that watchtower, so I can watch your back!" said Jessica, pulling out her sniper rifle.

"Alright, but be careful!" I said.

She started to climb the tower, as she was climbing up I spotted a guy aiming a gun directly at her from above.

"Jessica! Watch Out!" I shouted.

I held up my handgun and fired about 8 shots within a second, with all the bullets hitting my target. He fell over and landed with a thud on the ground. I didn't realize how good of a shot I was.

"Dash! On your six!" shouted Jason

I turned around and held up my handgun to fire, but all I heard was a click. I was empty already! The guy held up his gun, I was about to charge toward him, but Jason fired a couple of rounds into him, saving my life

"Thanks Jason! I was out" I said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"No problem bro! I got your back!" said Jason

"Matt! I need you to stay here and watch Jessica's six, don't have anyone get near her! Got that! we need her eyes!" I said

Matt nodded.

"Jason! I need you to lay down suppressing fire while I make my way to the archives!" I said

"You got it!" replied Jason.

After that, I ran over to the building that Jessica pointed out, with Jason coming in from behind me.

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