Chapter Sixty Nine: Loss

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I got up and ran towards Miles, he wasn't expecting me, so I grabbed him by the shirt, spun around, and threw him to the ground, a loud thud echoed throughout the room.

"Man Miles, it's been a while since I had to go all out like this." I said fist clenched

He got up, his hand clenching his chest.

"Why...with only one attack from you.......Why does it feel like I'm losing!!" Miles cried

"That's because you are, that should be obvious" I said

He then started to laugh, what was so funny? I realized that he pulled out a knife, I felt sweat run down the back of my neck.

"Awww, is that for me" I smiled, hiding the fear

"No, it's for your friend!" shouted Miles

Before any of us had a chance to react, Miles ran towards Jason and stabbed him, the force of the blow cause Jason to fly backward. He hit the wall behind us with a loud thud, the sound of it made me want to throw up.

"Jason!!" I cried

I turned back around to see Miles with the face of a mad man on. He was crazy, he was insane.

"Your next sweetheart" Miles laughed

Abby stood her ground as Miles threw himself towards her, but everything was slow for me. I launched off the ground with my right foot, I closed in on Miles and when I was in range, I threw my leg into his face. It made direct contact, and the sound of his nose and jaw breaking echoed through the lobby. He flew back against the wall, the wall cracked and crumbled to the ground. I began walking towards him, my entire body had sparks snapping back and forth. Miles looked up at me with fear in his eyes, but I knew he wasn't capable of fear. I didn't care.

"I win" I said, coldly

I threw my fist down onto him, crushing his skull in the process. After I made sure he was dead, I fell backward to the ground.

"Rick?" Abby said, cautiously

I looked over at Jason, I could already tell he was dead, he probably died on impact. That bastard Miles didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye.

" need to go back to the group" I said, barely even hearing my own words.

"No Rick! I'm gonna fight with you" Abby said

"Abby, you need to go" I repeated

"No Rick!! I'm not leaving you!" Abby cried

"Listen to me goddammit!!" I shouted, sparks returning to my body

Abby jumped at the sudden change in my tone, I looked down at the ground, tears in my eyes.

"Abby please, I can't lose you too! I need to finish this alone!!" I cried

I heard Abby crouch down behind me and put felt her hand on my back.

"And I can't lose you either if we are going to die, we'll do it together" Abby said

I turned around and made contact with her lips, at first her body tensed up, but then she eased into it. We sat there for awhile accepting each other's embrace, and then we parted our lips.

"R...R...Rick, why did you do that" Abby asked

"I'm sorry Abby" I said

I picked her up and ran outside to the others.

"Make sure she does not go back into the building. I want you to give me 4 hours if I don't come out in that amount of time. Get everyone the hell out of here" I said

"What are you going to do?" Mercedees asked

"I'm gonna try and win this thing" I said

I turned around and ran back into the building, hearing Abby screaming no behind me.


I was back in the lobby were Miles and I fought, I was about to go on looking for Delacroix before he decided to grace me with his voice.

"Wow Dash, I'm surprised you managed to find this place" Mr. Delacroix said

"Where are you dammit!!" I shouted, anger bursting out

"Oh? cutting to the chase now, well if you go down the hallway and to your left, that's where I'll be" Mr Delacroix replied

"Thanks, I'll be on my way" I said

I began walking down the long hallway, not even bothering looking at the multiple rooms I came across. I then made my way into the room Delacroix was in. There was a massive missile behind him, I could only image what he was going to use that for.

"Hey Dash, glad you could show up, you can be the first one to watch my masterpiece" Delacroix said

"Masterpiece?" I asked

"If you can't tell what this missile is...It's a nuke. And it has coordinates to all the major countries and cities this world has" Delacroix said

I felt a chill go up my spine. He wasn't going to...

"Your gonna nuke the entire world?!" I cried

"Thanks to you for always finding a way to ruin everything I worked for!! The government started to take back control from me, it's funny really. People who were originally so scared of you finally come around and take back what's theirs. I guess that's the true meaning of karma." Delacroix laughed

I held my fists up, ready to fight.

"I already got what you took from me, I'm just here to finish what I started!!" I said.

Delacroix turned away from the terminal, cracking his knuckles.

"It's too bad that Jason won't get the chance to watch me kill you, poor boy" Delacroix laughed

My heart started to ache, I felt a tear running down my cheek, but I pushed it aside. This was the final boss, I promise Jason. Your death won't be in vain

" are so naive, you don't know what I'm capable of." Delacroix laughed

I smiled, I didn't care what tricks he had up his sleeve. I was going to kill him!

"If I die in this room, then i'm taking you with me. A monster like you should not have the right to walk freely on this earth. If you're planning on destroying the entire world then I'll do everything I can to stop it. This isn't about Abby anymore, this is about me ending you, right here! Right now!" I said

"Hahahahaha, you better hope that your bark is as strong as your bite!" Delacroix shouted

Delacroix rushed towards me. It was faster than I was anticipating, did he have powers to?! He closed the gap between me and him in an instant. I couldn't counterattack, I had to block. I lifted my left arm just as his punch came down. I heard my arm crack, he broke my arm! I screamed in pain, but I couldn't waste time on that because he was going to throw another punch. This man wasn't giving me any breathing room, I jumped to the side, dodging his attack. His fist hit the wall, making a hole. He punched through solid rock!

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