Chapter Ten : The Lab

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School was as dull as always, but the day went by pretty quickly. I got my stuff from my locker and started to head out before Abby stopped me in the hall.

"Hey" she said with a smile

"Hey" I said back

"What to come to my house again?" she asked

"I can't sorry I have to uhhhhhhh...Do my homework" I said

"Oh okay" she said sadly

"Hey, don't look so down. I can come over tomorrow though" I said

She lit up like a kid getting what they wanted for Christmas, it felt kinda odd but I didn't mind.

"Oh sweet I'll see you then" said Abby happily

She quickly hugged me and ran off, humming as she did. I left the school and mad my way to the address, lucky it wasn't that far from school, I didn't know what the "experiment" had in mind, but hopefully, I don't die from it. I arrived and was greeted by what looked terrific in a deathly, creepy sort of way. I couldn't really describe what it looked like, but I went up to what I thought was the door, and a robotic voice came on.

"STATE YOUR BUSINESS" said the robot voice

"Uhhhhh... Rick here to see Dr. Delacroix" I said carefully

"WELCOME RICK YOU MAY COME IN" said the robotic voice

The doors swung open, talk about lazy security I'm surprised it didn't ask for my last name probably, anyone with my name could walk on through. The place looked like a lot of money went into building the place, all the tech in this place looked up to date, and more expensive then what us civilians had in stores, but before I could take in more of the sights a tall guy in a lab coat walked up to me.

"You must be Rick" said the guy

"Yeah" I said unsurely

"Greetings I'm Dr. Delacroix" greeted Dr. Delacroix

The man stuck out his hand and I gave it a shook.

"You got a strong grip young man" said Dr. Delacroix

"Thanks" I said

Every alarm in my head was going off, this guy has suspicious written all over him, but I ignored it, I have always wanted adventure in my life, so if this had some grand scheme I wanted to be a part of it. Dr. Delacroix lead me to a big room with a lot of scientists and doctors, and in the big room was a big glass cylinder in the center.

"Rick I want you to put these on and go into the glass cylinder at the center of the room" said Dr. Delacroix

He handed me a white long sleeve shirt and a pair of black sweatpants.

"The glass cylinder...I don't know...seems a bit odd to me" I said

"But Rick" said Dr. Delacroix

"Don't you want to prove to everyone that you are worth something"

That sent a chill down my spine, it was like if he knew what I was thinking. I put on the clothes he gave me and I stepped in the glass cylinder, the doors locked me in, then a yellow liquid started to fill the container and I started to get terrified, that was the last thing I remembered before everything went black.

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