Chapter Fourty Seven: Trip Back Home

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The whole van was quiet as Mercedees and the resistance team drove back to their new Headquarters. Mercedees turned around and saw Dash, unconscious with bandages over his wounds. Abby was also unconscious, they were able to get her out during the confusion.

"Ma'am, we are almost there" one of the guy's said

"Alright" said Mercedes

The van took a sharp right and pulled into the garage. The van started unloading there guns, men and wounded.

"Jessica, take the Dash to the recovery room" said Mercedees

"Okay" Jessica said

Jessica carried the tarp with Jason and took Dash to the recovery room, Mercedees shook her head.

"I swear, Dash has been wounded more times then the whole resistance team" Mercedees said to herself.

She turned to Fisher

"Fisher, take Abby to the testing room. See if we can find out what is controlling her" Mercedees

"I'm on it!" Fisher said

Mercedees stood there and watched everyone doing what they were assigned to do. She left the garage and went upstairs to her room and laid down on her bed.

"Will we actually win this fight?" Mercedees asked herself

She laid there, staring up at her ceiling. Thinking about what they should do next.

"We need to plan our next attack, but first we need to find where Mr. Delacroix is" she said

She pulled out her phone and dialed her mapping team.

"Hello?" said the guy over the phone

"I need you and your team to find anything on Mr. Delacroix, try to find where he is" Mercedees said

"We'll get to work" said the guy

"Thanks" Mercedees said

She ended her call and got up from her bed. She left the room and went downstairs to the recovery room to check on Dash, she arrived about 2 minutes later when she entered the room, she saw Jessica sitting there rubbing his hand.

"Hey Jessica, how is he doing?" Mercedees asked

"He is doing alright, his vitals look good" Jessica said"

Jason was sitting in the corner. He let out a little chuckle

"Come on! This is Dash we are talking about, no stab wound is gonna take him down. This guy has taken more hits then I could" Jason said

"Yeah, I hope your right" Mercedes said


I woke up to the sounds of machines humming and beeping, I had troubles opening my eyes but when I did I saw Jessica.

"Hey Dash, how are you feeling" she asked, smiling

"Could've been better" I said

I looked around the room and I saw Jason in the corner and Mercedees in the doorway. All this trouble for just one guy?

"Hey Dash, glad you finally decided to join us" Mercedees said

"Where's Abby" I asked

"She is in the testing room with Fisher, he is running some tests on her to see what is controlling her" Mercedees said

"Is it brainwashing?" I asked

"It was only a hunch, but with a brilliant mind back on our side we will find out. Can't say for sure yet" Mercedees replied

I started to get up slowly, but pain shot me in the stomach

"Easy easy Dash, you don't want to push yourself too far" Jason said

After what felt like hours I was finally standing, Mercedees was supporting me by letting me lean into her. She took me to the testing room where Abby was being held. When we entered the room we saw Fisher typing away at a computer, coffee in hand.

" long have you been up for?" Mercedees asked

"Right now about.......10 days?" Fisher said

I could tell, it looked like Fisher's soul was just sucked right out of him.

"Fisher, you should really get some sleep?" Mercedees said, clearly concerned for him.

"No! I can't do that, I want to pay Dash back for everything that has happened Fisher said

"Thanks man, I appreciate it" I said

Mercedees sat me down on a chair and went over to help Fisher with the process. After a couple of minutes, they found the answer.

"I was right!" Mercedees said.

"Is she brainwashed?" I asked

"Yep! I had a feeling" Mercedees said

"How do we revert it?" I asked

"Well...we would have to strike some good memories in her mind to get her to snap out of it" Fisher said

I try to think of the past to when I got these powers, our time in school. I hope this plan I have works

"Fisher, wake her up" I said

"Have you thought of something?" Fisher asked

"Yeah not sure if it will work though" I said

Fisher turns around and starts typing on the computer and Mercedees begins helping me up and over to the chair next to Abby's bed.

"Alright, she should be waking up in a bit" Fisher stated

Abby's body begins to shift and turn, she then slowly opens her eyes, and looks around.

"Where am I! what happened!" Abby asked, threatenly

"Hey Abby, welcome back" I said, smiling

"You! I'll kill you! Let me go!" Abby shouted

"Now Abby, I know you don't want to do that. I'm here to help you" I said

"The only thing you can help me with is by killing yourself! That will make my job a whole lot easier" Abby said, laughing

"Abby, do you remember the time were you stood up for me, or when we played games together?" I asked

"I know nothing!" Abby shouted

"That time where you calmed me down, and where I saved you from the very person you're being controlled by" I said

Abby was silent, by the expression she is wearing I could tell I'm getting through her.

"Or the time you took out of your school day, just to see me in the hospital after the whole fight" I asked

Abby was looking at me with big, watery eyes. I recognized those blue eyes, That was the Abby I knew.

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