Chapter Thirty Three: Old and New Friends

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When I woke up, I expected there to be light, They say heaven is bright and stuff like that, but I never really believed in that sort of thing, but what else are you supposed to believe when you might have just died from hanging. I woke up in some room, either this is heaven or I'm alive and someone must have found me

"Ugh...what the hell" I managed to say

My throat hurts, probably due to the rope, but it's good that I'm alive, and if I'm alive and kicking. I'm more than capable of killing Delacroix, screw being scared, he took Abby again, and I needed to get her back. I looked around the room I was in, and it seems to be kept in good condition. I was about to get up when...

"Oh! you're awake, thank god" said the women

"Where am I? who are you?" I said

The woman was in excellent shape but wasn't that tall.

"I'm surprised you don't recognize an old friend, rude¨ said the women

It took me a while to recognize the person, but then it hit me.

"Mercedees?" I asked

"Uh duh, who else would it be" said Mercedees

I was stunned and happy to see Mercedees again, I got up and gave my old friend a hug. It's been a while since I have seen Mercedees, I would have to say that the last time I saw her was in...5th grade, funny how things change in a couple of years.

"Yeah yeah, I missed you too, no need to get all mushy now" laughed Mercedees

I part from the embrace and we stand there in awkward silence.

"So...I have some people that will love to meet you" replied Mercedees

"People? Like who?" I asked

"You'll see" Mercedees said. smiling

Mercedees and I left the room, going downstairs. When we reached the living room it was filled with groups of people, I was kind of impressed of how Mercedees could be able to fit this many people into a small room, there was barely any room to move. Mercedes introduced me to them, they were all thrilled to see me, I didn't know taken down a wealthy businessman could make a huge impression. Mercedees had this whole group of people, why did she need this group?.

"Hey uh... Rick?" asked Mercedes

" me Dash now... I'd prefer that more" I said

"Okay...Dash...I need to ask you something" Mercedes said

"Oh alright, go ahead" I replied

"My group and I were about to attack one of Mr. Delacroix facility's and I was thinking, would you like to join us in the battle" asked Mercedes

So Mercedees managed to get a whole resistance team together. Neat.

"You bet! I'll join you, I might be able to get info on where Delacroix is holding Abby" I said

I felt my fear coming back, but I shook it off. He has Abby, there is no time to be scared.

"He has Abby?!" asked Mercedes, shocked

"Yeah, He managed to catch me off guard, and snatched her away, that's why you saw me hanging around outside" I said


"It's Dash now" I said, interrupting her.

She let out an annoyed sigh. "Dash, that wasn't a funny joke" she said

"Sorry, couldn't turn it down" I said

She shook her head to clear her thoughts, she told me about the plan she had, I could tell she was improvising what she originally had, trying to fit me into the equation. I started to like how the plan was turning out, even though I was no leader, and could never be one.

"When will we be heading out?" I asked

"Around midnight tomorrow, so make sure you get some rest" said Mercedees

"" I laughed

"Don't push me Dash" Mercedees snapped

I turned around and left the room, trying to find something that will help my irritated throat. 

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