Chapter Sixteen : Kidnapped

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Abby hasn't shown up at school for about a week, which was odd because she usually didn't miss a single day. I went to my locker and got my stuff, then left the school. As I was walking down the sidewalk a thought occurred to me. I was kinda surprised that I didn't get suspended from school after the big fight with Dom. After a while of walking, I made it to Abby's house, I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Abby are you home?" I called

There was no reply, so I knocked again

"Abby! it's Rick are you like sick or something" I called again

Again there was no answer, I was starting to get worried, why wasn't she responding. I slowly turned the knob and the door opened.

"Why wasn't the door locked?" I thought

Abby's house looked like if some wild animal came in and ruined the place, furniture was knocked over, picture frames shattered, I was anxious so I decided to start calling for Abby.

"Abby!" I shouted

I started to walk around the house, still calling for Abby.

"Abby! if this is some prank you got me...please come out!"

As I was walking around, I noticed a note stuck to the wall. I ripped it off and began to read it

Dear Rick

If you're reading this, then your so-called "girlfriend" is gone, but don't worry. She is in good hands, perfect hands. My men and I are taking her to a new base of operations, we need to run some tests on her, similar to like we did to you but without her consent. We are going to give her powers, but hopefully this time we can accomplish what we failed to do last time, kill the test subject. I'm deeply sorry, but there is nothing you can do to stop it.

From Mr. Delacroix

What was the point of giving someone powers just so you can kill them, but then I looked over the note again, and my blood and body went cold. He was going to kill her, she was taken to some new testing facility, and I don't even know where this place is. This guy has lots of money if I had to guess, so he probably has a lot of help and I'm not sure what to do, I have an idea and I hope it will put me on his path. I was going to call the smartest person I know, and that was Fisher.

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