Chapter One : Normal Day

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It was a typical day at School and I was sitting in math class, the teacher was at the whiteboard working on a problem, it was close to the end of class and I already was starting to doze off when...

"Rick!!" shouted The Teacher.

I shot awake and quickly shook my head, did the teacher say something?

"Huh, what?!" I said, rubbing my eyes

The class began to laugh and I started to rub the back of my head embarrassed.

"Glad to finally have you join us" said The Teacher.

The class began to quiet down there laughing and the room became silent, The teacher looked at me and pointed to the board.

"So Rick, care to tell us the answer to the problem we are working on?" asked The Teacher.

"Uhhhh...what are we working on again...I wasn't paying attention" I laughed nervously.

The class burst out laughing again, this time a lot louder than before. I sunk my head into my arms.

"Wow Rick, you're so dumb" laughed Smithy.

"Gee Rick, could you possibly get any more stupid than you already are" laughed, Dom.

"I probably could but then I would end up like you...and I don't want to be a copycat" I said.

"Ooooooooooh" said the entire class.

Dom's face got red with anger, and I smiled and waved. He held up his thumb and he slowly dragged it across his neck, and I tried playing it cool but I felt a cold chill go down my spine, might as well start digging a grave.

"Okay! That's enough! Does anyone want to answer the question?" asked The Teacher.

After looking around and seeing no one else raised their hand. A hand softly floated into the air. "I would like to."

I recognized that voice, it was the voice of Abby. There was something about her that made my mind go on autopilot, She had long blonde hair, a slim body, and she was on the gymnastics team, not to mention she was tall. She turned to me and we made eye contact, I immediately shot my glance in another direction. Abby wasn't like the others, she didn't laugh at me, for most of the countless times I fell asleep during class She was actually pretty quiet most of the time.

"Yes Abby, what is the answer?" asked The teacher.

She looked around to see everyone looking at her, "Uhhhhhhh...." she thought for a while before giving her answer. "1,647?"

"Excellent Abby!" cheered The Teacher. She slumped back in her chair, letting out a massive sigh of relief.

The Teacher turned back around to face the board, and then started to explain the problem.

"So, you want to make sure you multiply all the sides, then divide your answer, and after that, you get 1,647," said The Teacher.

Then as if God came down with a miracle from the heavens, the bell rang. Everyone shot up from the chairs and booked it to the door, I started to get my stuff together.

"Okay class, make sure you get your homework turned in by next week," said The Teacher.

I walked out of the classroom and into the busy hallways, I am glad to have that hell over with.

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