Chapter Sixty One: Late Night

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When I woke up, the moon was shining through my window. I yawned and took a long stretch. I had to estimate that it was probably around 1 or so, I grabbed Rick's hoodie and left the room.

"I should train for a bit" I said

After walking around aimlessly for what I thought was forever, the training room came into view. Upon entering I saw that Jessica hitting a bag, the door closed behind and Jessica jumped a bit.

"Jesus!" cried Jessica, immediately turning around.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! " I laughed

Jessica put her hands on her hips and made a pouty face, I shrugged and gave her a nervous smile as she let out a sigh.

"I thought you were asleep" Jessica said

"I just woke up, thought I just punch a few bags...well slash some bags" I said

"It's like 2:43 in the morning" Jessica said

"It is! I was way off..." I asked

I didn't realize I was asleep for that long, my eyes drifted to the ground in embarrassment, I then noticed Jessica's hands.

"Oh my god! Jessica, what happened to your hands!" I cried

"Nothing! nothing happened!" Jessica said, trying to hide her hands

I grabbed her wrists before she could put her hands behind her back. Her knuckles were red and swollen, I could tell that she has been working really hard, and for a long time at that.

" long have you been training here?" I asked

"Does it matter?!" I shouted

"Yes it does!!" I cried

She looked away from me. Startled at my change in tone.

"5 hours..." Jessica said

"Jessica! you can't go past your limit like that, your limit is there for a reason!!" I said

I hear Jessica trying to hold back a sob, but it breaks free, causing her to cry.

"I just want to be like Dash! it's so hard to stay positive with him gone!! I need to get stronger, for him...for all of us!!" Jessica cried

"Rick may jump into battle without thinking, but he also doesn't go overboard" I said

Jessica wipes her tears away and nods.

"Now, go get some sleep. It will do you some good" I said, smiling

Jessica got up and left the room, I sat there for awhile before getting up. I sighed

"After what happened...I'm not in the mood to train now" I said

I left the room and made my way back to the room I slept in, taking off Rick's hoodie from my waist, I laid down in bed.

"Goodnight Rick" I said

I laid there waiting to see if Rick would respond, but he didn't. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


I woke up shortly after 11:30, I wasn't expecting to sleep in that long, but it was probably due to the talk Jessica and I had last night. I put on Rick's hoodie and left the room, when I walked into the lobby everyone seemed to be up for a while. Brett was talking to Emily, Jessica is hanging out with Fisher, and Mercedees and Macy were at the computers.

"Find anything out?" I asked

"Yes and no" Macy replied

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well...we found out that Delacroix's facility is in Portland, but Delacroix isn't there" Mercedees said

"Well, if he isn't there why don't we attack it anyway, I mean we could find out some valuable info." I responded

"And what would be more valuable than an evil dead businessman?" Mercedees asked

"Well, I've been thinking about this for a while. If Delacroix has all these facilities stationed in probably every state, they shouldn't have one main base or facility, you know like the one that runs basically every one out there and this one." I said

Mercedees and Macy looked at each other, they start to nod.

"She does have a point" Macy said

Mercedees sighs clearly conflicted at her choice.

"Fine, we will plan on hitting the facility tonight at midnight, sound good?" Mercedees asked

"Make sure you tell everyone" Macy said, turning to me

"Are you coming?" I asked

"Hell yeah I am, what? You don't think your buddy Satan will miss a chance to kick ass" Macy said

Macy started laughing as if something came to mind

"Sorry...I just remembered Dash and I used to joke about that" Macy sighed

"Anyway, I'll tell everyone!" I said

"Thanks" Macy said

I made sure I told everyone, they understood what had to be done. I made my way to the training room and decided to cut some bags open with my sword, entering the room I made the sword.

"Alright, here I go!" I shouted

I pressed off my foot and swung down on the dummy, using my momentum, I spun around, shouting as I did, and hit the dummy again. I jabbed it multiple times before giving one last strong blow. I heard someone enter the room.

"You doing some training?" Brett asked

"Yeah" I said

"I thought I do some to" Brett said

Brett started to slash at some dummies with his bear-like power. I still don't know how he managed to get it, I mean Rick has speed, I have creation, Mercedees has telekinesis, Jessica has enhanced vision and what appears to be enhanced accuracy to, so out of all the powers out, why does Brett have a power related to a bear. It didn't make sense

"Hey Abby" Brett said

"Huh? what?" I asked being pulled back to reality

"You okay?" Brett asked

"Oh I'm fine, just thinking about stuff" I said

"Oh well, I'm gonna get going we gotta prepare for the attack" Brett said

"Yeah, your right" I said

Brett waved bye and walked away, I continued training for about half an hour before leaving the room.

"I should go to the shooting range" I said

I wasn't really the one for guns, I didn't really care for them. I felt something inside me wanting to use a gun, a craving if you would call it. I was kind of confused about why now I needed to use a gun. I shrugged and made my way to the shooting range.

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