Chapter Thirty One: Newest Rival

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I shot up awake due to the sound of someone screaming my name, it sounded a lot like Abby's voice. I ran upstairs in an instant to see a guy dressed in black standing in the doorway where Abby was sleeping. She was standing up, purple sword in hand. I walked up behind the guy and whispered in his ear, menacingly.

"When did you decide to sneak in here?" I whispered

He turned around, not expecting my presence, I reached over and grabbed a black short sleeve hoodie, I was already wearing a yellow shirt and wearing the jeans I had on that day.

"So mind telling us why your here?" I asked

"Yeah, why..." Abby asked, holding the purple sword, aiming it directly on the man.

The guy spun around his legs out, tripping both me and Abby. The guy got up to run, but the time he reached the hall I was already in front of him.

"Why are you in such a hurry, we're just getting to know each other." I said smirking

The guy threw a right hook and I leaned back, dodging his attack. He threw a left hook, but caught his punch with my arm, gave him my right hook after. He stumbled back a little, dazed from the punch. He then smiled and started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked, ready if he were to strike again.

"You honestly think that's the best I can do" said the guy.

In a blink of an eye, he was by Abby sweeping her off her feet, running out the door. I barely noticed until it happened

"Holy shit! he's fast" I cursed

I threw some boots on and chased after, it didn't take me long to catch up. I could see Abby struggling, trying to loosen his grip.

"Keep doing that ma'am and I might drop you" said the man

"Shut up you prick!" shouted Abby

I was on him in a second, he looked behind him and made eye contact with me. I was a little scared but I gave him a side smile

"I have to admit, your fast, kinda knocked me off guard for a second." I said

I threw my leg up towards his head, my foot hitting him, it caused him to fly backward as well as dropping Abby. I caught Abby in my arms, skidding to a stop.

"It's so nice of you to drop in" I said, winking

"Shut up Rick" Said Abby, clearly not amused by my pun.

I sat her down, looking over in the direction of the mysterious man. Who just so happened to hit the ground as I looked in his direction. Abby was prepared to attack, and so was I.

"Hey! whoever you are, just stop embarrassing yourself and give up. I took down your boss down one time, and I will gladly do it again if I have to" I threatened, not realizing what I was saying till after it happened

"What am I doing?! I need to get Abby out of here!" I thought, but my body didn't listen

"It will be kinda hard to do that when I'm here." said the guy

He ran up next to me, throwing his foot and him, it caught my cheek, sending me flying across the street.

"And the name is Miles, by the way" said Miles.

"Cool...I didn't ask" Abby said, running towards Miles

Abby gave Miles a few punches, which all of them were stunning him. He caught her last one and punched her back. Abby was knocked down, but she got back up and gave him a Thai style roundhouse, the first one striking his chest, the second catching his face. Miles fell to the ground, but recovered and launched himself up using a kip up. He used the kip up to knock Abby in the chin with both feet, causing her to fall back.

"Come on Abby...I'm not even trying." laughed Miles

"Wow that's really funny...cause I wasn't either" Said Abby, being a smart aleck

I got up and saw that Abby was laying on the ground after taking a beating from Miles, I ran up to Miles and I launched myself off with my right foot, coming in with a big punch, it made contact with his jaw, which sent him flying.

"I guess you can say that his name should now be "Miles per hour" joked Abby.

Abby couldn't hold back her laugh

"And that you "sped up" our process of beating him" laughed Abby

"Abby I said, coldly.

"Yeah Rick" Abby said, tearing up because of the two puns she said.

"That pun was as bad, probably worse than the one you said back at school" I said

I sensed something coming up behind me, I turned around and threw a big right hook and it hit Miles in the jaw and shot him straight into the ground. The street crumbled with the impact his head created when it hit the ground. A pool of blood pooled out from his head.

"Oh my god" cried Abby

Abby was in shock of how hard I hit Miles.

"Di...did you kill him?" Abby asked

"I probably did I'm not sure" I said

Miles started to get up, I held my ground as he began to stand.

"I'm not...done yet" groaned Miles

"Abby, I will have you do the honors, but don't knock him out, I have some questions I would like to ask him" I said

Abby's fist started to glow purple as she walked up to Miles, she left her arm up and threw back down, Miles slammed back into the ground

"All it's time for questions" I said threateningly 

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