Chapter Fourty Four: Enter Investigation

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We walked into Abby's room and started to look around for any clues where Abby might be.

"Brett stay here, I want you on lookout" I said

"Alright man, you got it!" Brett said

I started looking through drawers, I found scraps of loose leaf paper with what seems to be attempts at writing a letter or a note, but it looks like those attempts didn't work. I then find a journal at the bottom of the drawer, I open the book and it seems to be entries written by Abby.

"Well Abby...have you left anything back for me to find?" I said to myself.

I open the journal and began to read, and was hit with sadness with what I read

March 15th

I have made it to Dr. Delacroix Casino, and I am terrified. Those people who found me tricked me, they said they worked for Rick even though they didn't, they took me back to the place I was trying to escape from. One of the people who changed from a man to a woman name was I think Lilith, She seems to have a shapeshifting power, I haven't seen Rick in two years and I'm starting to worry if he really is dead. I'll try writing more tomorrow.

March 22nd

I was told by Lilith that they were gonna perform a new test on me. She didn't tell me much, but she said something about brainwashing. I don't know what they might do, but if they make me join them. I just want to say that I'm so happy that I had such good friends, and thank you, Rick, for being such a kind and loving person. I know I never got to say this, but if your alive I know you will come and find me...and if it's too late....I just wanted to say...I love you.

March 31st

I need to get ready, my team and I are about to launch a raid on Dash's HQ'. He is such a naive kid, the only thing driving him is his naive thoughts. I'll kill him during the raid... I know it.

I stopped reading after that, tears were running down my cheek. I had a mixture of feelings going through me, I put the journal back where it was, so Abby hasn't been brainwashed for a long time, maybe we can find a way to bring her back. I got up to tell Brett the good news, but he was already inside the building looking terrified.

"We've been spotted" Brett said

I saw bullets hit the door, sending pieces of wood flying, I pulled my gun out and took cover by Brett, my heart beating out of my chest. He stuck his hand out the door and started to blind fire. I could tell he was taking this very seriously now that our lives are on the line. Why couldn't I just go back to school?

"Dash! what do we do !" Brett asked, fear hitting his voice

"As I hate to say this. We fight our way through and find Fisher, hopefully, he hasn't bailed on us." I replied, fear catching in my throat

"Alright! let's go then!" Brett said

 I ran outside and took a guy by surprise as I punched him, I could see that my fighting style has improved, there was a guy by the window, so I ran over to him and kicked him out the window. Brett and I were fighting our way through until we reached the elevator. I tried getting the elevator to our floor, but it said it was out of order.

"Dammit! We need to take the stairs!" I cursed

"I'm right behind you!" Brett said

I kicked the door in that leads to the stairs. Brett pounced a guy that was a few flights down, it was as if the guard was prey. Brett did mention that he was like a bear, so that may be another part of his power. I shot a few more guys as we went downstairs, didn't know I was a good shot. When I reached the bottom, I got jumped by a guy that I didn't even know was there. He threw me against the wall and pulled out a knife, as he jabbed the knife towards me, I moved my head just in time as he stuck the knife in the wall. I felt the blade cut my cheek, I cursed as I punched him in the jaw, I grabbed the knife from the ground and stabbed him in the throat, Brett came running down the stairs

"Dash! you okay" Brett asked

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said

Brett looked at the guy on the ground, then looked at my hands, which were covered in blood. He shook his head, I kicked the door to the lobby open and saw Fisher in the middle of a gunfight. I ran up and slide into cover.

"Took you long enough!" Fisher said

"I thought you would've ditched us!" I said

"Nah...I'm thinking of joining you guys" Fisher said

"What about you and your paycheck?" I asked

"Screw the money! I think fighting the bad guys is more fun than being the bad guy" Fisher said

"I like the way you think!" I said

Fisher and I both got up and started shooting our enemies, together we shot almost half there army down.

"Stay here and cover me!" I said, putting my gun back into my jacket.

"What are you doing!" Fisher asked

I got up and ran over to the nearest person, I launched myself into the air and came down with a strong punch, I kept chaining my attacks taking out about 12 of them. Brett was also busy ripping guys apart, while Fisher was taking some hand to hand. Before we realized, we cleared out the whole room, we gave each other high fives, cheering.

"That was tight!" I said

"They never stood a chance!" Fisher laughed

"What are we doing?!?!" shouted Brett

We then heard a loud crackle coming from speakers.

"Congratulations Dash" said Mr. Delacroix

I felt rage burning inside me, hearing his voice in a time like this \

"Delacroix!!" I shouted

I walked up to the speaker, jabbing my finger at it.

"When I find you, I'm gonna kick your ass!" I cried

"Oh now-now Dash, No need to make promises you can't keep" Laughed Mr. Delacroix

I heard the elevator behind us, I shot around to see the doors open with more guys running out, guns were drawn. When all the enemies out of the elevator, I saw one person walk out with them, a person I was far too familiar with.

"Abby?" I said

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