Chapter 37: It's time...

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                                                                     We both turned around to see Cake. She had her arms crossed and pushed us a bit more far apart. "There, that's much better" she replied with a smile. I looked at her in surprise. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with those scaredy cats?" I asked her.


                                                                         She leaned against the wall with a smirk. "Can you see them?" she asked. Marshall and I squinted our eyes. Right there behind Cake, stood everyone with their black uniforms. 


                                                                          I was about to respond to Cake when Marshall interrupts me. "Are they still willing to join us?" he asked. Everyone from our group nodded. We both sighed and unlocked the door with a toothpick.


                                                                           I opened the door to reveal several locked prisoners. Marshall, Cake, and I walk inside while the others stay. I look around to see several young and old sad people in shackles. Some were laying on the ground while others were screaming or crying.


                                                                                     My heart kept on breaking as i saw so many innocent people locked up. I covered my mouth at what i saw in front of me. Rignt in the corner are two people lying on the floor crying. The faces of the man and woman looked heart breakening.


                                                                  I choked out a scream and ran towards them. I kicked the bars of their cells, but it was useless. Several tears spreaded onto my face as i looked at them. They were badly injured.


                                                                                    I fell onto the floor on my face as i covered my face. I sobbed my heart out as the image popped into my mind. "Fiona are you-" Marshall said, but didnt finish. It suddenly got quiet.

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