Chapter 23: Surviving the Twins

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                                                  I stood right there with the letter in my hands. I didn't know if I should read it or not. I looked at it. It was just a simple letter. I was about to read it but  then I heard footsteps coming. I immediately tucked the letter in one of my back pockets of my shorts. I turned around and saw Marshall. I sighed and smiled at him.




                                 I tried to act as natural as possible. "Oh hey Marshall" I said. He smiled at me and intertwined our hands. "What are you doing out here alone?" he asked. I looked at our hands. I immediately blushed and tried to hide the blush but I couldn't. He smirked at me and he was just about to tell me something when suddenly I ran passed him.




                                    I ran as fast as I could and I hid inside the restroom. Oh great! What a great genius I am! I am so dumb. I was panting from running alot. I locked the door and sat on the floor. I could hear Marshall screaming for me so I tried to be as quiet as possible. I grab the letter from the small envelope it had. I wasn't quite sure to open it but at the end I did. I started reading it silently. This is what it said:




                                            Dear Fiona the human,

               I know this is totally unexpected. I hope your the one who is reading this. Please don't show or tell anyone about this I want it to be confidential. I just need to see you. Please come to my castle today at midnight. Don't bring anyone with you. I'm not going to hurt you this is not a trap. I just need to talk to you. Its relating to you and Marshalls safety. Its a death or life emergency. We won't be alone. I have to take care of two little monsters so they will give us company. I have changed believe me. Just come and I swear nothing will happenI'll be waiting for you. (p.s. bring a jacket it  is really cold here.)

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