Chapter 5: Feelings

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                      All these weeks, I have been slaying monsters with Marshall Lee after all the parties were over.  Yeah I and Marshall Lee are friends I have been starting to feel some friendship over him and we are official friends. We have finally been able to get along and become good besties. Now I don’t hate him anymore and don’t feel anything bad towards him.

                                I guess I overreacted too much and now I stop being like that. I guess my feelings can overpower me sometimes. Anyways all the bad stuff is over and I’m over it. We are sort kind of friends but oh well he is still a jerk.  Cake well she said she was going to stay at Lord's beach house over far away for some weeks. But she won't do that until in a few days so i have her for a little longer.                  

                       I begged her If I could be in the house alone but she refused. After begging a gazillion times she said yes but under the condition of having me to do all of my duties and adventuring. Also she said that I could stay as long as I don’t hang out with strangers and monsters etc. She’s even calling me all the time! What a overprotective sister/mother I have!


                                   Today I was going to kick some butts with Marshall but Gumball wanted me to help him on his experiments. I mean can’t he do it by himself! Ugh! At least I won’t see Marshall today he has to do some ruling over in the nightosphere. He’s not mean but he’s annoying and such a, can you guess the word it’s JERK! He makes fun of me a lot and acts like a jerk. But at least he helps me with the kicking butt time. I right now am heading toward the kings castle. Gumball always asks me to help him with everything and it’s frustrating. I don’t understand any bit of what he does. Still I have to help the gumbaby.


                                   I finally was in the castle waiting for someone to notice me. I guess everyone is busy. I went inside and no guards were stopping me. Nobody was outside hmm strange. I went to Gumball’s laboratory and saw him there with a whole bunch of experiments. He turned around and saw me. He looked at me with a spark on his eyes that I couldn’t recognize .The last time he looked at me like that was when we were kids. I was only a 12 year old and he was 13. I had a huge crush on him since I can remember. I always demonstrated it to him but he couldn’t see me as more than a friend.


                                I told him that I had feelings for him but he rejected me. He said that I was just  his friend that’s all. I tried for him to love me but he just couldn’t. I went through depression and ended up blocking love for me. As much as I tried for him to love me he was only my friend. Now I ‘m just his lab friend and nothing else can change that. I wasn’t over of him and I don’t know if I still have feelings. I blocked love and my heart just doesn’t feel anything. “Fiona I need your help on some experiment” he said. I reacted immediately and he was now back to his normal behavior. Why was he’s staring at me like that? I asked myself.

                     “Hello earth to Fiona!” he said.  I came back to myself. “Oh I’m sorry and of course I’ll help you with your experiment” I said kind of awkwardly. After that we spend the rest of the day working with experiments, formulas, calculating math stuff, and etc. My head hurt with so much information I am very stressed out. I was at the exit when I saw Gumball running towards me. Now what would he want? If he wants me to help him again I won’t because my head hurts.

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