Chapter 27: Will this be the end?

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  • מוקדש ל food




                                                                 He looks into my eyes waiting for an answer. After looking at the sky I look at him and smile. "I... Achoo!" I said as I almost sneezed in his face. Stupid cold! Aparrently, i got it again. That's what I get for taking off my jacket in this cold air. Argh...




                                                             "Are you okay?" Marshall asked with a worry face. "I'm fine really" I lied to him. He looked at me with a suspicious look and shook his head. "Your terrible at lying" he said with a smug smile. I rolled my eyes and sneezed again,my nose feeling really stuffy. "You are going to bed this instant young lady! I can't have you get worse!" Marshall said as he carried me home.





                                        I slept  in Marshall's arms as he carried me. He felt so warm even though he's a vampire and vampires are naturally cold. I wanted to say yes to his question but the cold got me. I'm seriously going to murder myself.




                                               Marshall opened the door to our treehouse and we went upstairs. He laid me on the bed carefully and gently. 2 hours later I woke up and saw him sleeping next to me. It was 4 a.m. and I just couldn't sleep. I looked at him and smiled. This boy was so adorable. He held my waist closer to him and started to murmur some words. I closed my eyes and the world blackened out.




                                              The next day I woke up with a frown. I didn't know where I was until I remembered all of last night. I smiled and turned seeing no one. I looked around and saw 2 letters and a rose next to me. I smiled at the thought of Marshall's getting me something. Next to the bed was some bags that contained my stuff I left at Simone's  castle and some clothes. I went and grabbed a letter and opened it revealing this:




                                                    Dear Fi,

               Sorry that I left you. I went to get some food and stuff so I can spoil you to death. I'm going to be your own personal doctor ;) You and I are going to stay at the treehouse for our own now. Cake,Lord, are staying at Flames's house. You will be able to visit them all you want but not right now cause your sick. Oh yeah, Ely left your stuff next to the bed. Don't worry about Cake; she approved of us living togetherShe screamed at me but I managed to convince her. I want to be with you everyday and protect you too. Because I love you <3. Anyways stay in bed and rest I'll be back in a bit. (p.s. did you like the rose?)

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