Chapter 12: Drugged

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                                   “Why?” he asked. “Because many people are telling me that you’re a player and I need to know if it’s true” i said. He looked at me with guilty eyes as if saying that he was. “So tell me is it true?” i asked.  He sighed and we both sat down. “Well I used to be a player. Back then in the days when I was younger I would go out with girls for a while then leave them. I would just use them. I would always do that. Until I found you and you made me change Fi. I fell deeply in love with you. Your my one and only. You turned me into a whole new person. I love you” he confessed.


                                        I stayed quiet. I had no idea how to react. He looked into my eyes with a sincerity I had never seen. “I believe you Marshall. You’re not lying. I see it in your eyes. I understand your situation but the past stays like that. Now we should look towards the future. I truly believe you’ve changed” i said truthfully. He hugged me and I hugged him back. I believed in him. If anyone wants to separate us nothing could do it. He kissed me with lots of passion his lips against mine.


                                            Was I mad with Marshall? No. Even though he used to be a player, that was in the past. Everyone makes mistakes and I saw him change. Because what I see now in him is honest, love, and trust. Not the cruel person everyone thinks of him. They’re all probably trying to protect me. Yeah that’s it. Probably just spreading the rumor many times so I could abandon him and be safe.  I walked back towards my tree house. I saw someone.



                                                            I saw Gumball. He was walking the opposite direction. He saw me and smiled. I continued to walk away until he got near me. “Hey Fiona” he said casually. I didn’t want to talk to him because he was one of those people who kept on separating me from Marshall. I decided to speed walk. It didn’t end up too well.

                                                                             “Fiona I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. For the confession and the rumors. I never wanted to hurt you with the rumors or confession. I want us to be friends again. Be like those 12 year old children who would be the best of friends” he said.


                                            I looked at him. He was sad. He really needed me. He grabbed my hand. “I know I miss those times. I can’t correspond you in love but I at least want to be your best friend again” i said.  He hugged me tight. “As long as were friends I’m happy” he whispered in my ear. It’s better to have a friend than to lose one. I should pardon him. Anything to get my best friend back.

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