14~ Stars

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Draco's POV:
Most people don't know what happened to Theodore after the war.
He wants to keep it that way.
The thing is, if Theo's parents find him, they will be very disappointed in what he has done with the last 6 mouths of his life.
He moved to Muggle London, gave magic up completely. He's convinced it only ruins lives. He's gotten into some stuff over the months. Drugs, alcohol, you name it, he's done it. He started to strip at a local gay club, and more recently has slept around to make money.

I've tried to talk to him about it, but he won't listen. I never did try very hard. I was dealing with my own shit at the time, and we where never super close. The weird part is he would never talk to anyone else about his personal life. Hell, I'm probably the only wizard he's still in contact with. I just hope that our parents haven't found him yet.
That he hasn't gotten into anything too dangerous.
That he's ok.

Harry, Pansy, and I are slowly making our way back to Hogwarts. Harry keeps trying to make small talk, but neither of us are in the mood. Pansy is walking at a slightly slower pace behind Harry and I. Her head is hung low and it looks like she is trying to hold back tears. Eventually, The raven stops all of his attempts at conversion and silently walks beside me. After a few minutes I look over to see his face focused on the ground, silently trying to think. Both him and I know he does his best thinking aloud, but I know Pansy needs to sort some things out in her head. I give him a sympathetic smile as I grab his hand and give it a little squeeze. He looks at me and lightly smirks before squeezing back. We walk like this for about another half an hour before Harry abruptly stops.

"Guys. It's 2:30 am" he says while looking at us as if we should know what he was going to say next.
"Ok, and?" I ask with a little sarcasm hinting in my voice.
"Don't you think we should get some sleep before facing McGonagall tomorrow?" He questions as he unfolds his cloak and lays it on the ground.
"You want to sleep in the middle of the forbidden forest" I state bluntly as I look at Harry who was squatting down to lay his cloak out.

"Yeah! We can all lay on the cloak, cast a few heating charms, and we should be good!" Harry response enthusiastically.
"But... it's dirty" I counter quietly as I scan the forest floor, noting every muddy patch and bug I could make out in the dark.
"Oh get over it Malfoy, it's just dirt" he tells me as he plops down on the blanket. I tense up at the sound of my fathers name, then attempt to relax. It doesn't work. So I just stand there, frozen like a statue for a few seconds.
"Oh no Draco I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I swear it just kinda slipped out and-"
"It's ok. Let's just sit down" I respond in an almost monotonous voice.

"I really am sorry" he almost whispers. I refuse to let myself relax, which just makes Harry more uncomfortable beside me. Normally he would say something about it, but he just sits there with his head down.
"I already told you that it is fine. Let's just drop it. It was my fault anyway" I tell him as I avoid eye contact.
"Draco how is it your faul-"
"I said drop it" I snap at him, making him fall quiet again. We sit on his cloak for a while, and Pansy eventually drifts off to sleep. Neither Harry nor I can seem to fall asleep, so we just sit and listen to the eerie sounds of the forest surrounding us. As time passes, I begin to feel more and more guilty about the events that have happened in the past night.

1: I cut again after a month of being clean
2: I didn't stick to my pre thought out plan (which is very unlike me)
3: I got mad at the one person who has made me feel decent about myself for the first time in three years. And it was over practically nothing.

But it may have not been nothing. What if Harry still thinks of me as Malfoy. What if he doesn't actually think I've changed. What if I pushed it to far. What if he's right, and I haven't changed.

As these thoughts continue to plague my mind, I notice Harry stand up.
"Where are you going" I state in a raspy voice. Trying to hold tears back for long periods of time will do that to you.
"Getting water" He reply's while squatting down next to his bag to grab a cup and his wand.
"Aguamenti" he mutters before a thin stream of water leaks from the tip of his wand. He turns around to see me staring at him, and just sits there and stares back. After a minute or so, we both blurt out some form of 'I'm sorry' at the same time. We don't say anything more, because we know that the other really means it.

Harry comes back to the cloak, water in hand, and sits down next to me. He smirks and sets his cup on the ground beside him and lays down with his chest facing the stars. I follow suit and lay down beside him, mimicking his laying style. We gaze up at the stars while making small talk.

"And that's Cepheus, better known as 'The King'" I say as I explain each constellation to a very curious Harry. I laugh as I watch Harry's gaze land on Grus, and not Cepheus.
"How can you see these?" He asks in a dazed tone.
"It's easy really. You just have to know what to look for" I tell him while admiring the stars that shone above.
"Then give me something to look for" he says, turning his head towards mine.
"Alright. Look for something that looks like a big spoon" I tell him in the simplest way possible. Immediately his eyes are searching the sky.

"I think I found it" he mumbles.
"It looks like you did. That one is called 'Ursa Majo-"
"No Draco, that's the Big Dipper" Harry interrupts as he rolls his eyes. " everyone knows that one"
"The what now?" I ask, very confused about the Ravens claim.
"You know, the Big and Little Dipper. Everyone learns about them in primary school" he tells me. I look at him dumbfounded, not able to process everything that is coming out of his mouth.

"What" I state softly.
"Oh yeah, you didn't go to primary school" he mumbles to himself before facing me once more.
"Never mind" he assures me before looking back up at the sky. Eventually he drifts off to sleep, softly snoring, and moving around every now and then. About a half an hour later, Harry starts to stir and suddenly sits up, shaking and drenched in sweat. I look at him for a second to process what just happened. It looks like he just woke up from an especially bad nightmare.

"Harry look at me" I tell him calmly, doing my best to calm the anxiety driven boy down.
"Harry. Where are you?" I ask him. Whenever I get nightmares, I use this technique to calm myself down.
"Good. Who are you with"
"Pansy and you" he says as his breath start to slow.
"Good. Now, think of five things you can see"
He nods his head, showing me that he has thought of the items.
"Four things you can touch"
He nods again.
"Three things you can hear"
He looks over at a near by tree, currently hosting a particularly noisy owl.
"Two things you can smell"
He looks down at the ground, focusing on the dirt.
"One thing you can taste"
Harry lifts his head up, looks at my lips, and slowly nods his head. I smile and pull him into a hug, letting his head of messy hair rest on my shoulder. I lie down with him still in my arms, and kiss his forehead before relaxing my own body.

"Thank you" he mumbles into my neck, making me shiver. We lay there, holding onto each other as we watch the sun slowly rise. I run my hand through his hair and circles on his back as he relaxes on my chest and concentrates on the rhythm of my heart beat. We know the next few days ahead are going to be rough.

But as long as we have each other, everything will be alright.

❤️ Hey everyone! Any falsettos fans will know that the phrase "everything will be alright" is one of the most dreadful things that can be said. Rip Wizzer⚰️♟ And for anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about, well you will find out soon enough. ❤️

Reggy out! (guys the font thing is happening again)

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