17~ Far From Over

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Draco's POV:
It is about 10:00 AM, and muggle London is busier then hogsmade on a Saturday afternoon. It's gonna be very hard to fly out of here unnoticed. It is to bright out to get away with a camouflage charm, and despite what Theo says, he is obviously in no condition to fly on his own. Our only other option is to get to wizarding London. We make our way over to the Leaky Cauldron, which happens to only be a few blocks away.

"Are we there yet" Theo whines as he walks behind us, purposely dragging his feet.
"Damnit Theodore! You know what the Leaky Cauldron looks like!" I snap, effectively shutting the boy up. Harry, Theo and I round the corner and walk into the little pub. The bartender immediately recognizes Harry and lets us pass through to the wizarding side of London.

"Alright, we can easily take off here" I mumble once we make our way to a suitable alleyway.
"Yeah, but let's move fast. If the press finds out I'm here, we won't be leaving anytime soon" Harry warns, making Theo chuckle.
"Aww look at that. Famous Harry Potter scared of a little publicity" The boy teased, obviously making Harry feel uncomfortable.
"Shut it right now or I turn you over to Lucius Malfoy himself" I threaten. Lucky, it did the trick.

Shortly after, Harry "engorgeo"'s our brooms, and we take off. Harry rides on his broom alone while Theo rides on the back of mine. He is hugging me from being, and I can feel a steadily growing erection against my backside. I shift uncomfortably and do my best to ignore it. Once we arrive right outside of Hogwarts grounds, Harry and I land. The three of us start to make our way up the hill and back to the school. It happens to be a very hot day especially for November, so by the time we get to the castle, we are all drenched in sweat.

"There! I see them!" I hear Pansy yell from a distance. A few seconds later, we see multiple professors running up to us, Pansy and McGonagall among them.
"Oh I'm so glad you two are ok" Pansy mumbles while pulling Harry and I into a tight hug. Obviously, we hug her back.
"I told McGonagall everything. Don't worry you're not in trouble" she reassures before she turns around to the professors behind her.
"Yes thank you Pansy. Now let's see. Obviously your father has noticed your absence by now, so he may be on the look for you. Neither of you are permitted to step outside of the school unless supervised. I'm sorry Mr. Potter, but this includes quidditch. That also goes for random midnight walks Draco" she pauses, taking the moment to eye the both of us. "Now, why don't you both go get cleaned up while I take care of Mr. Nott here" The Professor finishes as she motions for Theo to follow her, which he reluctantly does. Pansy and the rest of the professors follow the pair closely.

"Let's go get washed up, yeah?" I ask Harry. All he does in response is nod before he heads inside the castle. We make our way to the 8th year common room, all the while Harry is being unusually silent. We get to the common room, "Beguiling Bubbles" is said, and we slip into our shared room unnoticed. At this point, I can't stand the silence.

"What" I say, more blunt then intended.
"What" he replies, putting on a fake face of confusion.
"You know what. You haven't said a word sense we stepped on campus. What's wrong?" I ask, my tone much softer this time.
"Nothing" He says, taking off his robes to reveal a muggle t-shirt and boxers.
"There is obviously something" I say, stepping closer to the shorter boy. He pauses for a second, then looks up at me.
"It's just.." he trails off.
"It's just what?" I ask, putting my hand on his hips.
"Well, watching Theo practically grind on you the whole way here isn't exactly pleasant. Don't think I didn't notice his boner" Harry pouts in response, placing his hands on my arms.

"Hey, dont think that I enjoyed a second of that" I tell him.
"I know. I guess I'm just frustrated. Didn't you guys used to be a thing though? And what about Blaise?" Harry asks, getter more annoyed with each question.
"Harry those ment nothing. We where all hormonal teenagers stuck in the same room. Things happen" I say, trying to calm him down.
"Then is that what this is to you?" He questions me, gesturing to the two of us.
"Of-of course not!" I stutter, shocked that he would ever think such a thing.
"I don't think I can be so sure of that" he mumbles quietly, more to himself then to me.

"Harry James Potter" I say after a moment of silence, making him look us at me. I look into his bright green eyes and watch all of the fear and sadness hover in them. With my thumb I wipe a tear off of his golden brown skin, and cup his cheek, my other hand still remaining on his hip.

Harry looks at me with a confused expression on his face.
"Hogwarts too?" I add, smirking a little, hoping Harry gets the joke.
"What" He says, looking confused as ever.
"That's the first thing I ever said to you. I didn't know how to put into words what I wanted to say, so I just said that" I chuckle, hoping he would also find it funny. Harry looks down, and after a second he starts to shake his head and laugh.

"You're such a git"

❤️ Hey, sorry the chapter is a little on the short side, but I promise the next one will be good. Side note, my s/o is all the way in Maine right now and I miss them so much ughh ❤️
Reggy out!

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