2~ A Treacherous Train Ride Part 2

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Draco's POV:
"Well, looks like we're locked in here Potter" I says as I put the wand back into my robes. It's my mothers wand. I need to use it for this next year at Hogwarts because someone, who just so happens to be standing in front of me, used mine during the battle.

"Uhh Malfoy, you ok?" I hear Potter ask, his voice sounding slightly uneasy.
"Yes, I'm fine" I respond as I snap out of my mini day dream. I go to sit back down in my seat as I look over to see Potter staring at me.

"What?" I ask, forcing myself to sneer over a blush that starts to creep it's way on my face.
"You- ugh never mind" he stutters, taking sudden interest in his shoes as a light pink shade starts to make an appearance on his cheek bones.
"It's obviously something" I mumble to him, rolling my eye and looking back out the window. We sat in silence for a few minutes until I hear the raven make a comment.

"They must lock automatically"
This made me turn to him and look at the attractive boys frame, as he sits in deep thought.
"Hm?" I ask, not taking my eyes off the griffindor.
"The door. To the cabin" he responds as he motions to the sliding door thats currently..... well, not sliding.
"Oh yeah I guess so" I mumble as he makes eye contact with me, suddenly freezing all motion, as if to take in the moment and commit it to memory."

"Malfoy?" Potter suddenly blurts out, still refusing to break eye contact.
"What" I say, leaving out all of the sarcasm and anger that usually plagued my words.
"Never mind" he mutters once again as looks down at his feet, obviously pondering something.
"Potter that's the second time you've said that. Please just tell me what your trying to say" I tell him, letting a little annoyance creep back into my voice. I need to keep my 'bitchy Draco Malfoy' persona up somehow.

"Really, i-it's nothing" he stutters as a light blush forms on his face.
"If it was nothing, then you wouldn't 'accidentally' bring it up twice. Please, just tell me. I know you want to." I tell him.

Oh my god words are just spilling out of your mouth aren't they? You have no fucking filter do you. What are you going to be confessing your love for him in five minutes? Come on Draco, you've been taught better then this. Whatever you do don't let him see you with your Guard down, or else you're in for it. The little voice in my head reminds me.

"Dude" I hear from the brunette beside me. I snap up and look into his bright green eyes.
'Ugh I have to get him out of here before I DO confess my love' I think to myself as I straighten my posture and slap a bored look on my face. I look around for an escape plain, or a distraction at least. That's when I notice something.

"The trains moving again" I tell him as I get up to open the door. Sure enough, it slides wide open as soon as I put pressure on the handle.
"Wait Malfoy, I mean Draco, can I talk to you about something first?" Potter asks, a nervous and almost scared appearing on his face.

"I'm not in the mood. And you where correct the first time. It's Malfoy." I respond as my tone slowly rises out of impatience. I saw him glancing down at my arm. Shit.
"Don't you listen Potter!? I saID ITS MALFOY" I practically yell at the shorter boy, making him jump and step out of the cart. I unwillingly but forcefully slammed the door closed and just stood there for a minute.

He saw it, the voice spoke.
He saw it, but did nothing about it. Just shows you that your not worth saving. Not even the boy who saved all of Wizarding kind wants to deal with your bull shit. It spoke again. Being way to emotionally drained to fight back, I just sat back down in my seat, trying to grasp the fact of how this is how it is going to be now. Nobody to help me.
Nobody to save me.
Nobody to love me.

❤️ Hey look who's being consistent! I hope this was ok, and I hope that everyone enjoyed!
Reggy out! ❤️

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