21~ Cluuuues

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⚠️ Warning: mentions of suicide ⚠️

Draco's POV:
We walk down the corridors silently. The closer we get to the hospital wing, the more anxious energy Ron shows. His hands are shaky and his pace is slowly speeding up, and by the time we're near, I'm jogging just to keep up. We enter the wing to find Madame Pomfrey fussing over some student with a burn on his lower back.

"What happened?" I ask as I make my way over to the unconscious boys bedside.
"It looks to me as though he tried to brand something onto his skin. Obviously, the job was poorly done, and now it has multiple infections" she pauses to look over at us. "Oh but don't worry about him boys. It's nothing I can't fix. What can I do for you both?" She asks as she sorts through some bottles on a nearby shelf.
"Uhh we where wondering if we could see Theodor Nott? Harry and I brought him in earlier" I tell her while glancing over at Ron, who is thoroughly inspecting the burn mark on the boys back.
"Ah, yes, he is right over there" Madame Pomfery says while gesturing over to a body in the far corner of the room. Immediately Ron snaps up and walks over to Theodor. I slowly follow behind him, suspicion growing in the pit of my stomach. I watch him look at Theodor's unconscious body, then sigh in defeat.

"Are you okay?" I tentatively ask him, still trying to figure out why he was acting so weird.
"Oh yeah. Yeah I'm fine" he tells me before looking over at Madame Pomfrey. "Do you happen to know when he will wake up?"
"Yes, come back after dinner and he should be awake. I predict he will be quite moody, withdrawal symptoms are brutal" she responds, still sorting through her bottles.
"Wait, you're making him go through withdrawal? I'm sorry but you can't do that" Ron states, grabbing one of the bottles out of her hands.
"Mr. Weasley. He is under age, I am required to do this by law. It is best for the boy, isn't it?" She asks in a challenging manner, daring him to say the wrong thing.
"Y-yes ma'am" he mumbles as he sets the glass bottle down on a table, only for Madame Pomfrey to snatch it up and place it on a shelf.

"Now Draco. I do believe you have been instructed to get cleaned up and rest for the day? By the looks of it, you've done neither. Please, Ronald, escort him back to his room" She states before turning around and continuing to reorganize the shelf of bottles.
Ron and I left without another word.

On the walk back to the dorms, I couldn't shake this feeling of suspicion. It looks like I have some research to do when I get back to my room.
"Hey" Ron says just before I say the password to the door.
"Yeah?" I ask, slightly impatient.
"Would you mind not mentioning this to anyone?" He asks, nervousness practically radiating off of him.
"What, that fact that we visited the hospital wing together or that we had a little chat in the corridor?" I say, a smirk forming on my face.
"Uhh all of it. Everything that just happened. Just please don't say anything" he tells me, trying to speed the conversation up.
"Yeah mate, what are friends for?" I smirk before turning around and whispering the passcode to the door. 'Fat chance' I think to myself as I enter the common room and head to my door. 'Make him trust you. It's not like he's super valuable, at least not yet.

Draco what the hell are you thinking. Merlin you almost sound like your father. Jeez.'

Just as my mini international monologue came to an end, I open the door to the Slytherin dorm.
"This is gonna be a long day" I mumble to myself as I sit down at my desk with a note pad, and begin to write.

Harry's POV:

Hermione and I talk for h o u r s. Literally hours. We didn't even make our way back from the library until curfew, meaning that we've just been catching up for the past ten hours. It's crazy how much we've missed in each other's lives. Her pregnancy obviously, but also just the little things. Funny stories and drama we haven't shared yet, I even told her about Draco and I. At first she was shocked and speechless, but after that she just brushed it off and didn't bring it up again. All in all, I'm happy that we made up again.

Once we make it to the common room, we say our goodbyes and I head to my room. When I open the door, well I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't this.

Old newspaper clippings, pictures, drawings, and sticky note sized pieces of paper are scattered everywhere. The shades are drawn, making the room dim and Draco is hunched over his desk, intensely scribbling something onto a piece of paper.
"Uhh Draco, what's all this?" I ask Cautiously as I begin to make my way over to his desk, trying my best not to step on anything.
"Harry! Oh you have to see this, it's all starting to make sense now!" He tells me excitedly while he gestures for me to come over to his desk. "Don't move anything. If anything gets tampered with we could lose everything"
"What? What are you talking about" I ask after I get to his desk.
"Look" He says with a crazed look in his eye as he looks over at the paper scattered on the floor. I look over to not see a bunch of random slips of paper, but a whole web of ideas linked together to prove... something.
"Woah" I mumble and pause for a few seconds. "What is it?"
"It shows what my parents have been doing! Do you see this symbol?" He asks me as he holds up a piece of paper with "θεός" written on it.
"It mean god or higher power in Ancient Greek. It also happens to be one of the two things branded on the back of a kid in the hospital wing" he tells me as he holds up a paper with "Έλα" on it.
"That means come. Harry I don't think that they are trying to bring you know who back from the dead, they want to join him in the afterlife. They practically worshipped him before, why would it be any different now?" he tells me as he moves over to the web of paper on the floor.
"It's a suicide pact" I mumble to myself, making him look up and smile at me.
"Exactly. I think they are recruting other people to join too. They have people on the inside trying to take advantige of the lost souls of the war. Like the kid in the hospital wing. But that's only part of it. Obviously they can't just cook up this idea on their own, they have to be getting it from somewhere"
"Like a prophecy"
"Yes. I was thinking back to what my father said about wanting to overthrow the ministry, and don't you think it's weird how they where so set on having me work with Blaise? But then I realized, he's probably the one having these visions, and I can effectively use Legilimency on him. It all makes sense" he finishes, taking a step back to observe everything.

"Okay, umm, quick question. Do you even know what this prophecy is? And how do you know this is all connected?" I ask, slowly beginning to believe that he's just gone crazy.
"No, but I have a sure fire way of figuring it out" he says as he looks up at me. "And it has to be connected. This can't all just be coincidence. It never is" he finishes before taking a pause to look at me. "You don't believe me, do you" he mumbles before his shoulders slump and he sighs in defeat.
"No, I do believe you baby. It's just a lot, I need to take a minute to let it all sink in" I tell him before pulling him into a hug. After a moment he mumbles "how was Granger" from the crook of my neck.

"Good" I chuckle before pulling away so I can look at his face. "We haven't talked in forever, it was nice to catch up" I tell him as I plop down on his bed, only for him to do the same and snuggle up to me. After a few seconds he sits up and gives me an evil eye.
"You haven't even showered yet, have you" he accuses me as he crosses his arms. I look at him for a second, then sigh while mumbling "no"
"Then what are you doing on my bed goddamnit!? Get off!" He says as he playfully pushes me off of the bed. I chuckle as I walk to the bathroom. Right before I enter, I turn back around.
"After I get out, we're getting to the bottom of this"
"Wait, you're gonna help me?" He asks, almost surprised by my proposal.
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I ask as I take a step closer, even though he is on the opposite side of the room.
"I-I don't know. I figured you would be caught up with Hermione stuff" he confesses as he looks down at his bed sheets.
"Never. I'll always have time for you. Just wait, I'll be done in five minutes" I tell him before ducking into the bathroom again.

"No you won't! You're taking a fifteen minute shower at the very least!" I hear him say through the door, making me chuckle.

❤️ Hey! I finally got to incorporate some plot points here, so that's good! Ok unpopular opinion, but I hate heathers the musical. I can't stand it. I don't know why, I just think it's so stupid. ❤️
Reggy out!

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