31~ I've Got You

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LAMO HEY ITS BEEN ALMOST TWO YEARS. I haven't been anywhere. I've been right here and ignoring all of your comments in favor of wallowing in self pity. But here's a short ass chapter i threw together in 30 minutes with some fluff. Eat up bitches I know you're starving.

Harry's pov:
I wake up with a pounding headache, barley able to open my eyes. I feel a hand draped over my forehead and I begin to move around a little bit.
"Harry, Harry? Oh why didn't we test this out on someone else first" I hear a concerned voice say from above me.
"Mmmmmmgh?" I croak out, trying to regain my surroundings.
"Harry! Oh you're ok!" I hear as a pair of arms are thrown around me. "You are ok, right?"

After taking a moment to adjust to the light I see Draco's concern seeping off his face. That stupid, brilliant, wondrous face.
"Y-yeah. I think I am" I respond before sitting up and examining the Slytherin dorm. There's a wooden chair perched against the doorknob. The window is resting half open, allowing a cool breeze to float across the room.
I spot a long black robe draped across the floor and it all came rushing back.
"Oh Merlin"


There's nothing more to say. I've already betrayed his trust and forced him to relive whatever horrors his parents put him through. There's nothing more I deserve to say.

A soft, warm hand lays on my cheek. Draco tries to tilt my chin up to meet his eyes, but I can't. Drugged or not, I hurt him.

"Honey, what's going on in that head of yours"

Any self restraint I had prior has shattered before me and a wave of grief cascades over the room. He pulls me back into his chest for a moment, somehow knowing how grounding the pressure would be. When the moment passes he moves to my lap and guides my face up to his own.

I look into his eyes. I absorb every inch of his sparkling sunken skin and grasp his hollow cheeks with my own rugged hands as if they were a lifeline. He is my lifeline. We crash and I savor every inch of his lips for as long as he'll let me. I kiss him again and again, each time whispering bouts of apologies and begging for his forgiveness. For his love. He tenderly receives everything I have to offer, giving me the grace of acceptance.

"I'm sorry" I slur while diving back into him for more. His voice rumbles in response but I am too worked up to decipher any meaning behind the sounds. Our tears have drenched our hands and my lips have traveled across his face, marking every feature and outline that came together to create the beautiful being before me. I can't take it.

"Draco" I sob

"I know"

"But, D-" I'm selfishly cut off by my own lungs begging for air. He pulls me back into his chest, rubbing circles across my back and matching the rhythm with his fingers in my hair.

"Trust me Harry, I know. But don't worry, I've got you.

I've got you."

I know I know short ass chapter after a long ass break. Not to be *that* fan fiction writer but life has hit me life a fucking train. The nice comments on this book are COMPLETELY unnecessary but are greatly cherished, and they are some of the only nice things I've heard in a hot second. Thank you all for being so relentlessly supportive to some random ass person on the internet, you never know how your small acts of kindness can mean the world to a complete stranger. Here's to 2023 not being as much of a fucking mess as the past two years have been. See you bitches in a millennia for the next chapter❤️❤️

Reggy out!

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