10~ They Forgot

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Harry's POV:
(did it 2 times in a row. Watcha gonna do, sue me?)
Of corse it's back in the paper. It's been over a month but of corse the very next day after the best night of my life, it's back. There was a sighting of the Azkaban escapees yesterday, and only now is the school talking about it.

Currently, I am waiting in the common room for Draco so we can head down to lunch together. Neither of us have seen Pansy sense last night, which is weird. It's probably nothing. It has to be nothing.

I watch as the rest of eighth year goes down to the great hall, all of them either giving me a look of disgust or sympathy. After most of them cleared out, I noticed that Ron, Hermione, and Seamus hung back, and are not making a bee line towards me.

"Harry" Ron says when I try to turn away.
"What Ron" I ask him in an agitated tone.
"Have you seen this?!?" Seamus interrupts as he shoves this morning issue of the daily prophet into my hands.
"Yes. I have" I reply coldly as I drop the paper on the ground, making the others flinch.
"Harry, it's there parents. Aren't you at least a little worried about hanging out with..." Hermione trails while diverting her eyes from my own.
"No, come on. Finish that sentence" I tell her while crossing my arms. I can feel my blood start to boil as I look at her. It's as if all of my suppress anger is going to unleash if she steps out of line.

"With... Death Eaters" she says before stepping back a little bit.
"Yeah dude you know the first thing they're gonna do is rejoin they're parents. That's a given" Ron adds on while putting a arm around Hermione.
"I can't believe you. I can't believe that you three of all people don't believe that people can change" I tell them before taking a step closer to the trio.
"Well most people yes, but Malfoy on the other hand-"
"Don't you DARE bring Draco into this. You have no idea how much you don't know about this situation. Just shut up and don't bother trying to talk to me again. I am so done with all of you" I spat at them as I realize a very stunned Draco had been watching the interaction from our bedroom door.

I walk over to the door to try and try to step inside when Draco's hand stops me from going in.
"Hey, it's ok. Let's go and get lunch" he whispers to me in they way he always does when he try's to calm me down. As usual, it works.
"O-okay. Your right" I whisper back before turning around again, only with an incredibly cute blond by my side. We both walk down to lunch while avoiding eye contact with anyone else but each other.

"Have you seen Pansy lately?" I ask him after sitting down at the far side of the eighth year table.
"No not sense last night" he says as he looks around the room at the students.
"Dude why is everyone looking at us?" He asks with a creeped out tone before turning back to me.
"I mean they're bound to after what was in the Prophet this morning" I tell him with a reassuring smile, but he only grew more nervous.
"What was in the Prophet this morning?" He asks me slowly, as though he was not sure if he wanted to know.

"Wait you don't know?!" I say louder then intended, leaning over to his side of the table.
"No I obviously don't! I skipped breakfast remember?" He reminds me before an anxious look forms on his face.
"Well are you not going to tell me what was on it?" The blond asks me, crossing his arms.
"You should read it yourself. Your not gonna like it" I tell him before taking his hand into my own and giving him a sad smile.

"Harry, were in public" he reminds me before trying to pull away, only making me squeeze his hand more.
"Hey, it can be a friendly hand hold. Nobody knows anything's going on" I tell him as a smirk forms on my face.
"Is there something going on?" He questions me while I subconsciously rub the back of his hand.
"Well I figured as much. I mean I think your cute, and that kiss was-"
"Harry! Public!" He hisses before looking around once more. I just chuckle before standing up.
"You should probably read this article sooner rather then later" I tell him as he stands up too.
"Alright then" he responds, attempting to sound confident but the shakiness in his voice still noticeable.

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