30~ Red Liquid

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Harry's pov:
I feel so free. I love my newfound feeling of power, the rush of energy the Dark Lord provides me with, the knowledge that I will rule beside him, it's incredible.

But Draco.

For some reason I have this feeling that Draco may be right. It's very small, but it still nags every once and a while. I haven't seen him for two weeks. I thought he would have come around by now. I really want him to have the opportunity to become enlightened by the Dark One, but he still refuses. The resurrection is tomorrow.
I'm starting to wonder is ascending is the correct thing to do without him.

Draco's pov:
A week. We've spent a week sitting on our asses and not doing anything. Hermione is oddly hopeful as she thinks Longbottom knows what's going on, but we haven't even seen the boy yet. All he's been doing is sending us letters and updating us on Merlin knows what. The boy is convinced that they are under some sort of trance. I don't know what to believe anymore. I feel like I've lost everything all over again.

"Draco! He's here!" Pansy squeals from another room in the house. I sigh as I slowly stand up, meeting my face in the mirror. Large gray bags hang under my eyes, making it look like I haven't slept in a week. Which wasn't entirely false. I stand up and make my way to the front door, which was taken up by Longbottom's frame.

"I-I did it" The boy stutters while holding up a bottle of red liquid.
"Neville, I can't believe-"
"How do you know it works" Pansy interrupts the astonished Hermione.
"How what works?" I ask, my voice coming out more grumbly than I expected.
"Neville made the antidote to whatever curse Ron and Harry are under!" Hermione responds, excitement laced in her voice.
"We don't know that for sure" Pansy chimes in.
"Well I do" Longbottom responds, welcoming himself into Hermione's house.

"I decided to start of a small Herbology shop instead of going back to Hogwarts this year. I had a lot more free time so I read countless books on everything Herbology related. As my shop grew so did my connections, and one day I got a really strange order from a man in a cloak. He brought in a really old looking potions book titled "Forgotten Brews of Middle America" and asked for the strangest combination of plants. I thought nothing of it until Hermione reached out to me about her pregnancy and about how odd Ron was acting. It took awhile, but I finally found a copy of "Forgotten Brews of Middle America" and saw that Ron's symptoms matched up perfectly with an ancient mind control potion. I've been perfecting the cure ever since, and it looks like I finished just in time." He tells us, making my eyes widen in interest and hope begin to bubble up inside of me.

Hermione bear hugs Longbottom in response, and Pansy takes the bottle from him for further investigation.
"Will this be enough for everyone?" She asks skeptically while swishing the red liquid back and forth.
"It only takes a drop to reverse the effects of the mind control potion, so it should be" He responds. Pansy sets the bottle down with satisfaction.

"Then i guess we should form a plan"

Harry's pov:
"Harry" I here a familiar voice whisper, making me jump and look around.
"W-what?" I ask, more out of fear than curiosity. I was in the middle putting on a ceremonial robe for the sacrifice, so I currently didn't have more than my underwear and a tank top on.
"Harry it's me, don't freak out I just want to talk." I hear the voice say a bit louder than the last time.
"Where are you?" I respond, looking around.
"Outside the window, please let me in" the voice responds while tapping on the glass. I turn around to see Draco sitting beside the slightly cracked window in the 8th year Slytherin room. I quickly rush over to open the window and help the taller boy climb through.

"Harry" He breathes out.
"Draco" I respond, conflicting thoughts rushing through my mind.
"I want to join" He tells me after a slight pause.
"What... really? This is amazing news! We have to tell Lord Malfoy immediately!" I say with excitement, grasping Draco's hand while making my way to the door.
"Wait, Harry. I want to have this moment with you. Just you." He tells me while grabbing my other hand and looking into my eyes. I get a good look at him for the first time in a few weeks only to notice eye bags and frail skin that graced the surface of his face. My heart begins to ache. While I continue to study his features, I feel a small burning sensation on the back of my hand. I look down to see a drop of red liquid soaking into my skin, and a small clear vial in Draco's hand. Quickly I take me hands away from the blonde and try to wipe the liquid away, but it's too late. I look back up at Draco before getting dizzy. I feel his arms support me before everything goes black.

Ayo it's been what, like 9 months? I have no idea, but here's the next chapter lol

Reggy out!

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