24~ Butter Beer

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Draco's POV:

Dear Malfoy,
Let me be honest, I was not expecting to hear from you after your rude behavior at our last encounter. However, I must say your offer is quite intriguing. Respond with a day, time, and place, and we can work it out from there.
- Zabini
Oh, and Draco? Don't be surprised if things get hot, you of all people would know I love things rough.

"He's so bloody disgusting" I mumble as I set the parchment down and look over at Harry, who has a resting scowl on his face.
"I know what you're going to say, but I have to do it. And no, we can't find some other way. I'll just, ignore the comments and focus on Legilimency" I tell him, trying to reassure both myself and him.
"O-Okay. But if you actually feel uncomfortable, don't hesitate to leave. We can always find another way" he reassures me, putting a hand on top of mine.

"I know. I just don't want to take that chance unless we have to" I say.
"Okay then. How's next Saturday at one?" He says as he takes a piece of parchment it of his bag.
"That should work. Here at the Three Broomsticks, or somewhere more discrete?" I ask as I get a quill and ink out of my bag.
"Here should be fine, there aren't any changes against him, right" he asks.
"Nope, he got off with less then I did" I grumble as I begin to write the letter

Saturday, 2nd of March, 1 pm, three broomsticks.
- DM

"Quick and easy" I mumble before slipping it into an envelope and tucking it back into my bag.
"Yeah, let's wait until we get back to the dorms to send it. In the meantime, we can actually talk about normal people stuff" Harry tells me as a smirk forms on his face.
"Harry, you and I both know we need to send this letter-"
"Would you boys like anything to eat?" Madam Rosmerta asks Harry and I as she looks down at us.

Damn. We did skip lunch, didn't we. In that case, we definitely need to take a break.
"Ahh yes! I'll do a butter beer and the fish and chips. You want anything Harry?"
"Uhh just a butter beer, thanks." Harry tells Madam Rosmerta before she nods and walks away.
"Really? Just a butter beer?" I ask as I put a hand over my stomach. "I don't know why, but I've just been starving lately" I say while slightly shifting on the bench.
"Yeah, I've noticed" Harry giggles offhandedly. I scrunch my eyebrows together in suspicion.
"What is that supposed to mean"

"N-nothing. Forget I said anything" he tells me, trying to change the subject.
"No, what do you mean? I wanna know!" I say, trying to keep my voice light and humorous.
"Well, uhh, I thought you had noticed" he mumbles, his voice barely audible.
"Noticed what" I state, hoping he gets to the point fast.
"I mean, over the past few months... you've kinda filled out" he says very hesitantly. "But I mean it looks great! You aren't a scrawny sixteen year old anymore, you're becoming your own person!" He tells me as I just stare at him in confusion.

I mean I guess I have put on a few. I think to myself. When the hell did this happen? I guess I have been eating more then usual but come on this is ridiculous! How much have I put on? Does it look bad? Is Harry breaking up with me because of it?

He probably is. No one wants to be with someone who can't take care of themselves. You look like a complete slob. He deserves way better then you. You should apologize, promise him you will lose it. It's the only way your dying relationship will ever be salvaged.

"I-I'm sorry" I stutter, barely able to think straight.
"What? No Draco why are you sorry?" he asks as he stands up to come sit next to me on the bench. I'm silent for a few seconds, still trying to find the right words. "Draco look at me" He tells me in a calm voice. I look up at him, only to see concern written all over his face.
"I don't know" I mumble, feeling my face heat up.
"Baby come here" Harry whispers before pulling me into a hug, only making me more aware of my stomach pushing up against Harry's. After a few seconds I pull away and look down at myself. My eyes dart straight to my stomach, honestly expecting more then what's there. Only a small bulge is visible under my shirt, and though my pants are tighter then usual, they weren't too hard to put on. Plus all of my school robes still fit.
"Should we just go back to the dorm?" I mumble, more to myself then to Harry.
"If you want to, I'll tell Madam to change our orders to go" He tells me before standing up.
"Here, use this to pay" I say quickly as I hand him a couple galleons, desperate to get out of the public setting.

"No Draco, I'm gonna pay" He tells me as he tries to hand the money back.
"Damnit Harry just use the galleons I gave you" I snap before making my way to the door so I can grab my winter cloak and leave.
"I...Okay" Harry says before going to pay and get out order. I sit outside the pub for about five minutes, waiting for Harry to get the food so we can leave. I can't explain it, but I have this strong feeling telling me to hide myself. I just need to get to a private place.

To think things through.

Harry comes out with everything in a little bag and hands me my drink. He gives me a sympathetic smile and a kiss in the cheek before walking back. Even when I feel like shit, he can always make me feel better. We make it up to the Slytherin dorm and I quickly shuffle into the bathroom. Harry audibly huffs, but I just ignore him and focus on the task at hand. I practically rip off my cloak and left in my long sleeve shirt and joggers. Slowly I lift my shirt off, revealing my pale, and now pudgy stomach. I stare in horror until I remember what I came in here to do. I take my mothers wand out of my cloaks pocket and attempt to mutter a simple diagnosis charm.
"Shit" I whisper under my breath. My mother's want renders useless in the worst of times.

"Harry" I call out.
"Draco, are you okay in there?" He asks, unable to hide the concern in his voice.
"Can I use your wand" I yell, ignoring his question. There is a pause before he responds.
"Just, please? You know my mothers is practically useless" I remind him, hoping he doesn't ask any more questions.
"What's it for" he says through the door.
"A diagnosis charm. Now please?" I ask, getting desperate.

"Fine, just don't do anything stupid" Harry says as I crack the door open to grab the wand. I quickly mutter a diagnosis charm and watch as bright blue letters twirl over my head. Slowly, they lay out and show me my basic medical information. I ignore everything search for my weight.

Eleven stone and seven pounds. Holy mother of Merlin.

I drop Harry's wand, making the numbers above my head disappear. Obviously he hears this and begins to knock on the door.
"Draco! Oh lord Draco? Fuck it I'm coming in" he warns before opening the door and sighing in relief when he sees me hunched over the sink. He comes up behind me and hugs me, helping me relax a little. After kissing the back of my neck he mumbles,
"Are you okay?"
"Eleven stone and seven pounds, Harry. Of corse I'm not okay" I tell him, not wanting to turn around.
"Draco, you do relies that's perfectly normal, right?" He asks, subtlety trying to make me face him.
"Not for me! Do you know how mad my father was when I got above ten stone in sixth year? He was fuming! The worst part was I couldn't do anything about it because my BMI was already so low. I promised myself I would never get over ten stone seven pounds, and here I am a whole stone heavier then I ever thought I would be" I finished, now turned around and ranting to Harry's face. He just sighs, puts his hands on my hips, and stretches up to kiss me. After a moment, i relax into the kiss and wrap my arms around his torso. He pulls away and smiles at me before saying,
"If it's any help, I like you. All of you. No matter if you're the skinny stick I fell for or 22 stone. It doesn't matter, as long as it's you. Plus, you're so nice to cuddle up with now" he jokes as he pulls me in for a hug. I hesitate for a second before chuckling into his hair and squeezing him against me. After a minute of so, I suddenly pull away.

"We need to send the letter" I remind him while bending down to retrieve my shirt.
"I already did. It fell out of your bag on the way to the restroom" he tells me as he takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom.
"Good" I tell him as I slip my shirt back on and sit down on my bed while Harry takes a seat on his.
"Ya know, I would be all over you right now if I didn't know that Theo's gonna be back in like two minutes" Harry says as he leans forward.

"Damnit Theodore"


❤️Ok so I made an instagram for this account! It's called reggy_717 and will give you the option to follow both this and future stories. I don't want to annoy those who follow me strictly for my writings, so if you want previews, updates, relatable fandom stuff and more, go follow reggy_717 on Instagram! Thank you all for the continued support!!❤️
Reggy out!

Misunderstood love {a Drarry story}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora