25~ The Prophecy

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Yes I know it's pansmione, they don't get enough love and I honestly love this ship as much if not more then drarry so deal with it. (And as a queer person I love seeing how much all ships in Harry Potter are appreciated, and not just girlxboy and fetishized boyxboy relationships)

Harry's POV:

It's Saturday, March 2nd, 12:21 pm. The day I've been dreading this entire week. Draco is getting ready in the bathroom whilst I patiently wait for him on my bed.

12:29 pm

"Draco, we need to start walking or you'll be late!" I yell, trying to hurry the blond along.
"Late for what, exactly?" Theo asks, setting down a book he had been engrossed in moments before.
"None of your business" I snap, not in the mood to put up with him. "Merlin Draco, hurry up!"
"Okay, Okay. Jeez I'm ready" Draco mumbles as he walks out of the bathroom in simple dress robes and slicked back hair.
"What?" He asks as I stare at him.
"Your... hair" I choke out, attempting to cover up a laugh. It isn't working well.
"Oh shut up. Blaise is pure blood, he'll like it" Draco shoots back, crossing his arms. I just roll my eyes.
"Let's just leave, get this over with" I mumble as I grab my invisibility cloak and step out of the room, Draco following close behind.

"Harry, wait up" I hear Draco call from behind, but for some reason I just keep walking. "Harry!" He calls again, closer this time. By now I am speed walking/ half jogging out of the castle with Draco in my tale. "Potter!" He says one more time, making my body halt. "What the hell! It's 12:35, were not running late" Draco breaths out as he catches up and stops next to me.
"I-I know. I just want to get this over with. Move forward in the investigation" I stutter.
"Finally being done with this whole Blaise situation?" He asks calmly as we begin to walk forward.
"That too" I mumble, making him laugh and put an arm around me. We continue to walk until we are at a point on the path where no one can see us.

"You should put on the cloak now. So Blaise won't get suspicious" he tells me after stoping and looking at me.
"Fine" I grumble before slipping the cloak over my head. We keep walking forward until we reach hogsmade.
"12:52, we have eight minutes" I whisper to Draco, hoping he can hear me.
"I know, I can do math Harry" he whispers out of the corner of his mouth before heading into the busy street.

It will all be over soon. I tell myself. I'll be done with stupid Blaise and his stupid face once we get that prophecy. We just need to know what to prevent, then we will have a corse of action. Until then, it's all up to stupid Bla-

I hit my head on a pole while deep in thought and fall to the ground, revealing myself from under the cloak. I quickly scrambled up and look around, only to see hundreds of anonymous faces. Draco not among them. I quickly duck into an empty alleyway to gather my thoughts, when I bump into a sketchy group of wizards. They all tower over me and have mischievous grins on their faces. I take a step back, looking for a way out of the situation, but by the time I turn around, I am already surrounded.

"Oh shit"

Draco's POV:

I walk into the Leaky Cauldron and take a seat in the back of the restaurant. I take a deep breath before letting out a sigh.
"I hope this is quick" I whisper to Harry. I wait for a few seconds for a response, but none came. "You're probably right, we shouldn't talk" I whisper again, fidgeting a little in my seat. I wait for another couple of minutes before looking at a clock on the wall.


A little bell on the door dings as a tall lean figure walks through. He looks around before noticing me, and walks over to my table.
"Draco" he greets as he pulls out his chair and sits across from me.
"Blaise" I say back, wanting this to be over as soon as possible.
"So, you're just that desperate to get with me?" He asks, putting his hands on the table and looking me dead in they eyes.
"Umm yeah. I've been looking forward too... that" I stutter. Luckily he just laughs.
"Nervous I see. It's cute" he chuckles as I hold back a cringe. I just need to perform Legilimency then Harry and I can be on our way.

I pull on a fake smile before resting my hands on top of his own.
"So, tell me everything that's been going on with you" I say, hoping he goes off on a long tangent. He begins to say something about a new robe collection that recently came out, and I slowly begin to concentrate on going into his mind.

Dark. A little shiny. Navy blue huge. I think to myself as I take in every detail of Blaise's mind. Bright green streak. I look over to where the streak went, and a whole scene begin to play out. Everyone is yelling and casting spells left and right. The battle of hogwarts. Damnit Draco stay focused. The prophecy should be after this. I walk for a little bit and look around. Everything is very clean and organized, but at the same time it is packed full of information. I try to keep my head down and focus on the task at hand. Suddenly, I bump into a huge navy blue cube that has "important information" written on it. That's oddly convenient. I climb up the side of the box before looking over the edge. Inside are hundreds of unlabeled vaults, one stacked on top of each other. Shit, I don't have time to look through all of those. I slowly slide into the cube. When I get to the first vault, I stand up quickly and stubbing my toe. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, no, oh Merlin, ouch, shit! It feels like I broke my foot! Damnit! I shout as I hop around on one foot. Not even two seconds later, a six foot vault appears right in front of me. I look up for a second before walking over too it. As soon as I lay my hand on it, the door dissolves, revealing Blaise in the hospital wing at hogwarts. I remember that, it was like four weeks into first year and Blaise... broke his foot. Hold on. I step away from the vault and look out into the cube. Prophecy! I shout, hoping a vault would appear. To my luck, just that happened. I go over to touch the side of the vault, and the door dissolves. Inside, all that appears is a sentence.

"One who talks with the lowly will defeat the higher power."

One who talks with the lowly will defeat the higher power. I say to myself, forcing my brain to remember the words as a begin to exit Blaise's brain.

"Draco? Draco" I hear a voice say as I look up, trying to regain my surroundings.
"Huh?" I manage to get out.
"You okay? You zoned out for a minute there" He tells me, genuine concern in his voice.
"Oh yeah I'm fine, I should probably head out though. This was nice!" I say as I attempt to stand up, only to lose my balance and fall back into my seat. Fucking Legilimency and it's side effect of fatigue
"Draco, it's only 1:05. You're not ok" he says as he stands up and sits next to me. Where the fuck is Harry I keep thinking to myself as Blaise begins to stand me up. "I'm taking you back to my place. We can apparate. It's Saturday, I know you have nothing else to do" He tells me before I begin to protest.
"No I swear I'm fine I just-"
"Jeez let me help you" He tells me as he pulls out his wand.
"I, uhh" I stutter, not able to get anything out.

"Apparate" he mumbles.

Oh shit.

❤️ Hey guys! Honestly should I just rename this book "safe space to quote Hamilton and maybe read a little drarry" ooooor... but really I actually love all the references so don't stop ❤️
Reggy out!

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