13~ Theo

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Harry's POV:
I look at Draco as he roams around the central area, obviously deep in thought. I watch as he continuously brushes his fluffy, slightly untamed hair out of his face. I watch as his hands slightly shake out of nerves. I watch as he paces around, not focused on anything but what he's thinking. His body language, how he's practically screaming about how stressed he is, but nobody is even bothering to hear him.

Then I see him stop. He looks up. His face loses all trace of color. You see the hope depleting from his eyes. His shoulders sink and his hand stops twitching. Fear washes over him as he pulls a neutral look into his face. And everyone acts like this is normal.

Like it's normal for a son to show that much fear towards his father.

"Draco. I see you have received my letter" the cold man states while sending daggers at Draco through his eyes.
"Y-yes sir"
"Do not stutter. You know better then this. You are a Malfoy, you must keep a respectable reputation up at all times" He sneers at his son.
Not knowing better, I expected Draco to respond with a witty comeback of some sort, but all he did was drop his head and say
"Yes sir"

"You will look at me when I speak to you, you god forsaken child" he threatens through his teeth while yanking the Slytherins head up his their gazes meet.
"Yes sir" Draco practically whispers, barley able to pull off his 'tough guy' face.
"What has gotten into your head?" He mumbles as he violently lets go of Draco's jaw. The shorter ones hand immediately reaches for his neck, as if to sooth pain.
"Tomorrow we will begin to work on our plan to stop the ministry from rising again. Draco, you will play a crucial role in this plan it involves getting on the Potter boys good side. Are you ready?" He asks him in a stone cold voice. Draco just looks at him, not knowing what to say.

"You will be partners with Blaise-"
"Why can't I work with Theodore?" Draco interrupts, causing Lucius to shoot Draco a stern look.
"You will work with who I tell you to work with. That and we currently are unable to locate Theodore. He could be anywhere. Do you happen to know of his location?" Draco's father questions as he looks at his son, as if he was  burning the answer out of his head.
"No sir" Draco simply responds after a moment of unnoticed hesitation. Now that I think about it, I don't even know what Theo's up to. He's not at Hogwarts and Draco never mentions him.

Lucius looks in the other direction before turning back to his son one last time.
"We will all meet here tomorrow at 9:00 am sharp. Do not be late" he says sternly before pivoting and walking in the other direction. After the man was out of sight I see Draco physically relax as he walks back into the corridor, leading to the room of beds. I follow him close behind. Once we get to the hall, he walks into a little crevice, barley big enough for two people to comfortably stand and talk. I lean up against the other wall, fact him. I take my cloak off, just so he could see my face.

"Oh take the whole bloody thing off" Draco orders me with an annoyed tone. I do without question. He is leaning with his back up against the wall, head tilted back, and face scrunched up in frustration.
"I hate him. I actually hate him" he mumbles to himself before exhaling loudly.
"How much did you hear?" He asks me and he lifts his head too look at me.

"All of it" I tell him, rubbing my arm awkwardly.
"Bloody hell" he mumbles with a defeated look on his face. Almost out of instinct, I take the boy into my arms, and let his head rest on my shoulder. After a minute he looks up and into my eyes. I become lost in his and before I know it, his mouth is on mine. His hands wrap around my waist, and one of mine cup his face while the other slips into his hair. His hot lips slowly invaded my own. The kiss is soft but longing, and by far the best I have ever received. He breaks the kiss and places his forehead onto mine.
"Forget what we said earlier. We're getting Pansy out of here now. We need to find Theo" he pants as he resumes staring into my eyes.

Step 5

We go into the room Pansy is staying in, and Draco signals to her. She looked confused but went along with it. The three of us slip back into the hallway nook before we drank the Shrinking Solution. Now that the three of us are about 2 feet tall, we are able to comfortably fit under the cloak. Slowly we sneak out of the central room, into the little room with the slide, leading out of the cave. The entrance is guarded by two strongly built men. A smirk forms on Draco's face as he pulls out a vile of prepacked Amortentia. He throws the glass case into the next room cause a shattering sound, which grabs the guards attention. The two men walk cautiously over to the other room, and are immediately overwhelmed by the smell.

"I would plug your noes if I where you. That was a really strong batch" Draco whispers and he leads the three of us over to the slide.
"How are we gonna get up?" I ask, looking at the steep incline.
"Climb the cloak. Why do you think I sent the guards away?" He almost snaps back, as if he is in deep concentration.
"Oh. Smart" I respond half heartedly as he pulls the cloak off of us. Pansy and I lift him up and he quickly ties the cloak to the top of the slide. One by one we climb up the cloak and back into the woods. Once we are up there, Draco hands each of us a vile of Shrinking Solution antidote, and we drink it. The potion immediately works, and we are all back to our normal hight.

"Come on. We have to find Theo before my father does, and we can't do that while standing in the middle of the forest" Draco says as he starts to pace back and forth. I walk over to the blond and put my hands on his hips.
"Then let's go. Let's go right now and find him" I tell him in a serious voice, making his breath hich a little.
"But we need to figure out how we're going to find him" Pansy counters with a hand on her hip.

"Muggle London" Draco mumbles as he steps away from me to continue his pacing.
"Then let's go!" I say while pulling my wand out.
"Wait, we need a plan" Pansy states louder then before.
"Well either way, we need to get out of here, so let's just get back to Hogwarts" Draco interrupts, already having cast a navigation charm. I look at him and see not only determination in his eyes, but also worry. I give him a knowing look and decide to stop fighting him and just follow his lead.

Slowly, we make our way back to Hogwarts.

Hey everyone! Wow thank you all so much for 2k!! Schools been a lot so sorry it took so long to get this chapter out!

Reggy out!

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