4~ The Re-Sorting

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Draco's POV:
"Umm excuse me professor, but why is the sorting hat here" Lavender brown, a needy griffindor pipes up.
"Yes Mrs. Brown. Very good question. Students, this may seem confusing now, but trust me when I say that this is a very well thought out plan." Professor McGonagall says as she walks over to the rugged looking hat.
"Now, we are going to be trying something new this year. The rest of the staff and I have decided that this is the best way to deal with the extra students we are receiving for our '8th year.' Program" The professor explains, taking the hat off of its resting place.

"We are calling this event the 're-sorting ceremony.' You know as well as I do that the transition from last year to this one will be difficult, so in attempt to make it easier each of you will be re-sorted into houses, just like first year. Many of you will still remain in your same houses, but some of you may change. Its ok if you move, over these last seven years you all have had to grow and mature faster then someone your age would normally have to. With all of this considered, please do not fret. All of you will share the same common room, as it is for returning seventh years only. All right, let's get everyone situated!" The professor finishes as she calls up a Ravenclaw, who ends up staying in Ravenclaw. The next few went like this:

Weasley: Gryffindor (obviously)
Granger: Ravenclaw (makes sense)
Brown: Gryffindor
Finnegan: Gryffindor

"Parkinson, Pansy!" The animagus called from her short list of people, leaving me and Harry as the last two who needs to be re-sorted. I chance a glance at the shorter male to see his opinion on the whole situation, only to find him staring right back at me. I blush and look away, determined to not let it happen again.

"Ravenclaw!" The hat shouts, causing me to look over at Pansy with a surprised look on my face. All she did in return was avoid eye contact and walked over to the other Ravenclaws.

"Malfoy, Draco"

I cringe as my name is called, but quickly bring my face back to its neutral state.

"Mr. Malfoy?"

I walk up to the stool and sit down.
"Ma'am, Please don't call me that. It's just Draco." I ask her, silently pleading that she won't retaliate.
"Alright Draco" The professor whispers while handing me the hat. I place it on my head.

Ahhh yes, the Malfoy boy. The hat says to me. Once again I cringe.
I do see that a lot has changed sense the last time we met. Any reason for this?
Not that I feel comfortable sharing.
Well that's all right, let me just see, ahh yes of corse. Well I know where you will be happiest.
'Dead?' I ask myself in a almost joking manner.
Of corse not silly boy is all the hat reply's with.

"Slytherin!" The hat shouts out to the rest of the student body. I get up to stand with the other Slytherins, only to find out there aren't any.

Maybe nobody wants to be stuck with you. That's why nobody else is in Slytherin.

Ignoring the voice in my head, I stand by myself, watching the last boy get sorted.

"Potter, Harry"

He sits down on the stool and plops the hat on his head. After sitting for a while, obviously talking to the hat, the answer came.

"Slytherin!" The hat bellows as Harry takes it off. He slowly gets up and walks over to me, obviously avoiding the shocked looks on his fellow peers faces.

"Great! Now that you all have your houses, please follow me." Professor McGonagall tells us as she opens the door leading out into the corridor. I take another glance at the former gryffindor beside me to see his head hanging low as he subconsciously plays with a hang nail on his thumb.

"You know if you keep picking at that it's going to get infected" I almost whisper so the remark can only be heard by Potter.
"You sound like Miss. Weasley" is all he responds with before he follows McGonagall out of the tiny room.

I jog a little to catch up to the brunette before we enter another room. This one is a lot bigger, and has a nice cozy feel to it. The walls are made of a soft gray stone and the couches are coded with a silky light blue cloth. We make our way into the room and gather around the professor once more.

"Alright students! This will be all of your shared common room. Your sleeping arrangements are determined by your newly appointed houses, as are your schedules. The Gryffindor room is to the far right, next being Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, then on the very left is Slytherin. I trust I won't need to separate you by gender, as you are all adults now." McGonagall finished. At this, a few giggles are heard, but nothing above a small chuckle was made before the room feel silent again.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to it!" McGonagall say as she exits the room. Not a second later, her head pops through the door once more.

"Oh yes I almost forgot, the password to the common room is 'Beguiling Bubbles.' Wouldn't want you to get locked out!" She remarked as she shut the door once again. I look over my shoulder to find Har- I mean Potter sitting with a confused looking Granger and a worn down Weasley. After looking at the scene unfold before me, I decide that it would be best to check out my room.
That I will be sharing.
With only one other person.
Who happens to be Harry fucking Potter.

❤️ Hey everyone! Yeah, I took a bit of a risky path with this one, but if the plot gets to confusing please let me know!
Reggy out! ❤️

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