3~ The Threat

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Harry's POV:
When I first sat down in Malfoy's compartment, I noticed something red underneath his sleeve. I thought nothing of it at first but as his sleeve slowly started to roll up, I realized that something wasn't right. At this point you could see at least half a dozen red lines, varying in shape and length. The only thing they had in common was that they where all scattered over the former death eater's arm. He must have noticed me looking at it, because his mood quickly shifted and he kicked me out of the compartment.

I'm now standing outside of the door, contemplating whether or not to knock on it. I dicid against it, knowing that he would not respond. Slowly I make my way back to my friends. Once I get there I see Ron awake, but Hermonie sleeping on the other side of the seat.

I sit back down in my seat after acknowledging the worn out red head in front of me.

"Where did ya go mate?" Ron asks, his voice coming out raspier then expected.
"Oh um just walking around. Needed fresh air" I mumble back as I lean my head against the window.
"Dude you where gone for like an hour" he retaliates while leaning forward, putting his arms on his knees.
"It's a long train" I retaliate.
"Not that long"
"The train stoped, I was stuck in a cabin"
"Why where you in a different cabin?"
"Why are you asking so many questions?"

There was a long silence after that. Ron and I haven't been the same with each other since the war. We're short tempered and have an attitude towards each other. I hate to admit it, but it's one of the reasons I didn't want to go back to Hogwarts.

I just want to be alone. I haven't had more then ten minutes by myself since the war because 'everyone's worried about me.'

The train suddenly stops, and I realize that we're finally at the castle. All of the students file off the train and make their way to the castle.

I can't help but hang back for a certain someone. Remembering what I saw a few hours ago, I feel the need to talk to Malfoy. No matter what.

After a few minutes of waiting, I spot the blond walking down the trains corridors.

"Malfoy!" I shout, trying to get his attention. He looked up for a second but after seeing who called his name, he focused his gaze back on the floor.
"Malfoy you can't just ignore me" I say as he walks closer to me.

"Harry's probably picking a fight with the blond git. Serves him right I suppose." A fifth year mumbled to her giggling friends as they walk past me. Now that I look around, everyone is either avoiding him at all costs or purposely bumping into him. The worst part is, Malfoys just taking it. He's not retaliating or anything.

I stop him against the wall.

"Potter please don't-" his voice cracked, making him go silent.
"Look I don't want to make a scene here without giving you the chance to talk to me first. Meet me in the kitchens at twelve tonight. If you don't show up, I can promise you that our conversation will become... public" I harshly whisper to the Slytherin, making sure he got the message. I didn't know how else to insure his presence other then to threaten such a sensitive topic. Trust me, even if he doesn't show, I still won't spread the rumor. But he doesn't have to know that. Plus, It looks like he already has enough on his plate.

Instead of throwing insults back in my face, the boy just stared at me with his big gray eyes. Every time I look into them, it's easier to get lost. Everything from the small flecks of silver that seem to float across his iris to the deep, almost blue-gray that outline the edges. They are just so, enchanting. But there's something else there that I can't quite pinpoint. It almost looks like... fear? Pain? Loss?

"Potter" the boy whispers with a slightly raspy voice, sending shivers up my spine. I let go if him, and stepped back a few feet. We look at each other again before he walks off, once again keeping his head down.

                  ~~~❤️the great hall❤️~~~

Ron, Hermione and I sit down to eat at the end of the griffindor table. Throughout the sorting ceremony and the meal, there wasn't very much conversation. We're all taken aback by the lack of returning students from our year. Besides the three of us there's Seamus, lavender, about five Ravenclaws, and three Hufflepuffs. There was also Parkinson and Malfoy from Slytherin.

"It's weird isn't it?" Hermonie says as she eyes the lonely blond.
"That there are a lot less returning students then we thought there would be?" I ask the curly haired girl.
"No, that those two Slytherins had the audacity to come back here." She spoke through her teeth, gripping her fork tightly, even though she hasn't touched any of the food in her plate.

"'Mione calm down. They have as much of a right to be here as we do." I tell her while bringing my gaze back to the gryffindor table.
"Calm down? How can you of all people be sticking up for them?" The brunette says, slowly razing her voice out of Anger.
"Just drop it" I mumbled in a sad attempt to calm my passionate friend down.
"Fine. But let me assure you we're picking this conversation back up later." She grumbles.

The rest of the meal was quite silent, and consisted of picking at food and starring off into space. At the end of the meal, professor McGonagall stands up and reminds us of instructions that where given earlier.

"Remember now, all students must follow their house prefix, except for my class of 'eighth years.' All if you shall follow me." She makes her way down to the end of the great hall.

Us 'eighth years' gather in a small cluster. That's when it dawns on me that there really are only fifteen of us left. I scan the group of people once more, just to get a good feel for everyone in it.

"All right now, lets get you all sorted!" McGonagall announces as she leads us out of that hall and into a much smaller room. On our walk, I can't help but glance back at Malfoy, who happens to be walking a little bit behind the group of people. He is still looking down at the floor, his defeated persona being the only notable thing about the boy. It makes me want to run over to him and take him in my arms. Just to tell him that everything would be alright.

I soon snap back into reality as we enter a small room at the end of a long corridor. It had a dark and dreary fell to it. The most peculiar thing about the room wasn't the room its self, but what was inside of it. On a stool, in the middle of the room, happens to be a very old sorting hat.

❤️ Hey everyone sorry this one took a week to get out, I can't tell you how many times I re-wrote this chapter, and I'm still debating between a couple of different directions this could go. I have a really good one, but it's kinda far fetched. Oh well I hope you enjoyed! ❤️
Reggy out!

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