9~ The Blond Blokes Bed

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Harry's POV:
"So what your telling me is that there's nothing about our parents in there?" An aggravated Parkinson half whispers as she takes this mornings copy of 'The Daily Prophet' from my grasp. Because of our recent... disagreement, I have avoided Hermione in every way possible sense yesterday afternoon. This is why I am sitting with Parkinson and Draco, and not third wheeling 'Romione' over at the other end of the eighth year table.
"I promise you I wouldn't lie about that" I respond offhandedly as I watch her rescan the pages for information.
"But this cant be it! Does the ministry not know how big of a deal this is?" The Ravenclaw retaliates as she slams the paper down and crosses her arms. She looks over at the dazed out blond sitting next to me.

"What Draco, do you just not care about this? Why aren't you all worried?" She shoots at the Slytherin before he looks up and stares straight into her eyes.
"Sorry Pansy. I didn't know that my process for coping with things hasn't been approved by you. Let me just fix that real quick" he snaps back at her before waving his wand at his head and saying random gibberish. "There. All fixed. Just like Lucius always wanted" He finishes before standing up from the table. Instinctively, i grab his wrist before tugging on his arm, as if to tell him to sit down. Surprisingly, he listens and sits back down in his seat.

"Sorry Dray... I-I forgot-"
"It's fine Pans. I just overreacted, that's all" he cuts off before going back to picking at his food.
"Well at least eat something dude, you look like you need it" I tell him while trying to lighten the mood. All the blond does in response is give me a side eye before going back to staring into space.

We part ways with Pansy after breakfast to go to our first class, potions. Slughorn is a good teacher and all, but I'll never know how I got into NEWTS level, even with the help of the half blood prince.

For the next couple of weeks everything was the same. Draco would wake me up and we would go to breakfast. Even though he barely ate anything he claimed that, and I quote; 'meal time is just our excuse to keep tabs on our parents.' After our classes we would meet down by the court yard and just... talk. Over the past couple of days I got to know Pansy and Draco a lot better, and started to consider them as my best friends. At least for the time being. As for Hermione and Ron, they both keep there distance, just as a reminder of our current friendship status. The newly appointed Ravenclaw still seemed furious at me, and her redheaded boyfriend seemed to want to stay as far away from the conflict as possible. Pansy even said that she goes on rants about how petty I am being.

In our time together I learned a lot about the former Death Eaters. Pansy has a bunch of little 'hidden talents.' She's doubled jointed, she can do that weird tongue roll thing, and she's a pretty good singer. Draco is allergic to a lot of stuff. Cinnamon, trees, grass, pets, flowers, almonds, you name it, he is probably allergic. He is also really flexible and can do a lot of cool contortionist-like tricks. The more I got to know them, especially Draco, the more I wanted to be with them.

It's a Saturday night in November and the three of us are sitting on Draco's bed, talking about random stuff. Pansy likes to avoid the Ravenclaw room, and Draco and I have Slytherin to ourselves, so it works out. We haven't heard anything about the escapees sense last month, so the threat of their parents has slowly decreased. If I'm being honest, this has been one of the greatest mouths of my life.

"Ok, ok. Draco. Truth or dare" Pansy giggles as the bottle of fire whisky in her hand shakes. We're all just a little tipsy.
"Dare. Duh" The blond slurs in response while eyeing the Ravenclaw.
"Mk. Ooo ok Harry you'll like this one. Draco I dare you to kiss Harry" She dares whilst biting her lip.
"Come on Pans" He pouts as he looks back at her.
"What's the matter Draco, don't want to kiss me?" I ask, raising my eyebrow at him, making the Slytherin blush.
"N-No well I mean... uhh" He stutters before looking down at his bedsheets.
"Let's go Draco, I don't have all day" Pansy says as she crosses her arms and tosses the bottle of alcohol to him. "Take a swig first if your really that scared"

Misunderstood love {a Drarry story}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum