6~ Slamming The Door

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Draco's POV:
"You have no reason to be sorry" Harry whispers to me, among other things like 'everything will be alright' and a lot of shushes. We sit on the bed for a while as I let him comfort me, something that is going to take me a while to get used to. Very few times in my life have I been deliberately touched without the end result being pain. Even in those rare moments when someone would try to go in for a hug, or even pat me on the back, I would tense up immensely. But with Harry, as silly as it may seem, it's different. Slowly I relax into the boys surprisingly strong arms as I cry my heart out. This is also a first. Not the crying factor (I do that more then I would like to admit) but being this vulnerable in front of someone, Harry Potter of all people. Slowly I collect myself to the point where I can sit up on my own.

"Wow, um sorry about all that" I grumble, my voice coming out raspier then expected.
"Hey, don't be sorry. Everyone needs to cry every once and a while" I says reassuringly as he places his hand on my lower thigh.
"Oh trust me I know" I tell him, rolling my eyes and as I look back over at him.
"I'm just not used to being this open, that's all" I finish as I run my hand through my hair. It's a bad habit I've developed sense I stopped slicking my hair back.

"I can tell" he mumbles back, not taking his eyes off me.
"Yeah, um please don't tell anyone about that. It's not something I'm exactly proud of" I comment while fiddling with my hands.
"I would never. We made a deal" he reminds me.
"Oh yeah. Speaking of the deal, have anything you want to share?" I ask in a uplifting tone to try and lift the mood. I may not feel happy inside but there's no way I'm breaking down in front of Potter twice in the same day.

I make eye contact again, and this time noting the bright emerald eyes that gazed back. I watch as his face scrunch up, in a surprisingly cute- no not cute. In a surprisingly, not- unattractive way. After a few moments of the boy thinking, a thought pops into his head.

"Oh! Yeah I should probably tell you I'm bisexual" he says shifting slightly, as he was clearly unsure of my reaction.
"Oh cool, uh thanks for telling me" I trail off as I subconsciously scoot closer to the former gryffindor while for some reason longing for the boys touch.

"I would assume your straight" he mumbles while brushing his hair away from his face.
"Well that's offensive. If you must know I'm gayer then Dumbledore and Theodor Nott combined." I say back as a smirk appears on my face.
"Oh, uh sorry" he stutters, face turning bright red.
"Your fine Potter. It's not your fault your oblivious" I tell him in an obviously fake reassuring tone. This earned a glare from the other boy.

After a moment, the former gryffindor straightened out, and turned back to face me.
"Why are you calling me Potter again? I thought we would at least be on first name basis now" he asks, subconsciously tilting his head to the side.
"When have I ever called you Harry?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Draco, you did it literally ten minutes ago" he tells me, obviously fed up with my stubbornness.
"Well I can call you Harry if you're so mad about it" I tease. "Not in public of corse, but if it's just us" I say, looking at Harry from across the bed.
"Yeah. Not in public." He repeats as he looks down at his hands.

"Just imagine the headline Rita Skeeter would have. 'A Literal Ex Death Eater, The Boy Who Hugged Voldemort Himself, Best Friends With The Boy Who Lived.' That would welcome a lot of unwanted attention" I say as I glance back down at the floor.

"Draco I hope you-"
"Harry! Come on! We're all getting together in the eighth year common room!" Granger interrupts as she bangs on our door.
"O-ok be out in a sec!" He stutters back as he springs up from his place on the bed. Harry begins to walk toward to door before turning back around to me.
"Your coming right?" He asks me as he once again tilts his head to the side.
"Nah. I don't exactly look presentable at the moment" I respond as I gesture to myself.

"Come on. I'm not about to leave you here alone." He retaliates while crossing his arms. I stand up so I am eye level with raven.
"I'll be fine-"
"No you won't."
"Harry please-"
"Dude I'm not-"
"Draco! Have you seen yourself? Your a fucking mess! I'm not just going to leave you alone and come back a few hours later to five more cuts on your arms and you trying to apologize for it all over again! If you think for a second that things are going to continue as they are then you are sorely mistaken. Your coming with me. End of story." He finishes as he walks over to me, so his eye stare right into mine. At this point, anger is coursing throughly veins, taking over my consciousness.

"No I'm not scarface. You need to get it through your thick scull that you can't save everybody. Just give up. I did a long time ago." I spat at the boy before storming into the attached bathroom and slamming the door behind me. A few seconds later I hear the bedroom door open and close, indicating Potters exit. I lean against the door as my shoulders start to shake and thoughts start to swirl around in my mind.

I told you he wouldn't care.
Nobody ever really cares.
You're just a worthless piece of shit.
You're a fucking Malfoy for god sakes.
You're better off dead.

And with that, I stand up to examine my features in the slightly foggy mirror. My eyes fall upon a thin, pale, pathetic boy that stares back at me. His eyes are a foggy gray color, his cheeks sunken in, both nose and chin ending in a painfully obvious point. His limbs are idly long, giving off an almost creepy vibe. This person in the mirror is someone I've been trying to avoid for a while. He keeps coming back, even though he knows he's unwanted. The boy who stood in front of me looked starved, broken, and... evil. I guess that's what He is. What I am.

And people never change.

❤️ Hey everyone here's chapter six! Thank you all for your support and 100 reads! I know it's not a lot but you have to start somewhere! I love you all! ❤️
Ps please read this one shot book. It's actually the funniest shit I've ever read. Credit to the author.
Reggy out!

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