20~ Weasly

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Draco's POV:

I watch as Harry runs out after Granger, and the only thing that keeps me from stopping him is the fact that this may be his only chance to make up with her. I stand by the door and look at him as he takes back everything he has said, whether he truly meant it or not, just so he can make up with the back stabbing brunette. After attempting to fight every urge to hold him back, or tell him why bringing her back into his life would be a toxic choice, I decide it's best to let it happen. I mean, there are always two sides to the same story.

Hermione!" He yells for her, making her turn around to face him. "I-uhh maybe we can work something out" He begs.
"Wh- Really?" She asks, genuinely surprised.
"Yeah. This whole fight is stupid, and you have something much more important on your hands. I really want to help. I do" he confesses, making me feel a small amount of jealousy form in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh Harry, thank you" she says before pulling him in for a hug.

Weasley emerges from the Gryffindor room, a confused look on his face. The jealousy in my stomach turns to pity as a watch him look at Harry and Granger. He looks at me, making me look away from the scene. I walk out of the common room to try and find some head space.

"Hey Malfoy!" I hear a voice yell from behind me, and by instinct I freeze and slowly turn around, fear making its way up my body. "What was all that back there?" He asks, A concerned look plaguing his face.
"Uhh, I-I guess Harry and uhh Hermione made up" I stutter.
"Oh, thats cool" he responds, making the whole situation awkward. Typical Weasley. "So you're all on first name basis?" He asks as he awkwardly leans against the wall.
"Uhh not exactly. H-Harry yes but Granger, not really" I fumble, silently cursing myself for my lack of confidence.
"Ah" He says, letting the conversation die once again.

This man. This red-headed lanky man in front of me is going to be a father. Responsible for another humans life. He's only what.. eighteenth? Nineteen? And he's already going to have to deal with problems that adults are supposed to deal with.
And he doesn't even know yet.

"So you and Harry have been getting close" he comments, snapping me back into reality.
"Yeah, we have. But that's what happens when you're forced to share a room with someone" I say nonchalantly, hoping the comment would pass over his head.
"I bet that's not the only reason" he replies. Damn, not as clueless as I thought.
"Oh really? Why do you say that?" I question him, slowly becoming more intrigued.
"Well, for starters, he's been practically obsessed with you sense sixth year"
"What do you mean by obsessed?" I ask slowly, still deciding whether I should be concerned or not.
"Nothing too outrageous. The farthest it got was stalking"
"Stalking?! So he just bloody followed me around all year?"
"No not like that. I mean a little but it was mostly through this map he had" he pauses and says to himself "I wonder if he still has it"
"Woah woah woah, what map?" I ask, utterly confused.
"He hasn't told you? He has this secret map that tells you where everything in Hogwarts is. You can also see where everyone is at all times, as long as they are at a place that's on the map" he finishes, leaving me even more confused then before.
"So, you're saying that he not only has an invisibility cloak, but some magical map too?" I ask in attempt to clarify everything.
"Yeah. Pretty wicked isn't it?" I says, as if I'm supposed to be impressed by some object Harry has.
"Yeah. Uhh wicked" I respond half heartedly.

"What are you doing anyways? Didn't you and Harry just get back from some secret mission?" He asks me, taking a step closer to me.
"I wouldn't call it that, but yes. We did" I tell him.
"Then why aren't you celebrating? You do know that's what people typically do when they successfully complete something" he says, taking another step in.
"I am going to see Theodor. We brought him into the hospital wing and I was going to check on him" I lie as I take a step back, hoping he would take the hint and leave me alone.
"Well then why isn't Harry going with you?" He asks.

"He was talking to Granger, they haven't caught up in a while so I left them to it"
"Do you know why she's talking to him all of a sudden? I mean they haven't talked for months and now out of no where they're being all buddy buddy again"
"I-I have no idea"
"What did she say when she went to your room"
We both stayed silent for a beat. Weasley, waiting for his answer, and I, trying to think of a decent lie.

"She- uhh she just wanted to make sure Harry was ok" I tell him, Hoping it was enough. He looks at me for a second, then sighs and slides down the wall until he's sitting on the ground.
"I get it, you don't have to lie. I just can't know the real reason" he says with a defeated tone. I slide down next to him, dirty robes and all, and take his hand.
"Yeah. I'm sorry. But she'll tell you when the time is right" I pause for a second and look at him. "She better or ill make her" I say in a joking manner. He chuckles a little before letting out another sigh.

"She's just been acting so weird recently. It's like she's hiding something. For the past couple of days, she's barely even let me hug her, let alone anything else. Then all of a sudden you guys get back, and she goes and makes up with Harry like nothing happened. I'm just worried I guess" he confesses.
"It's okay, I would be too. She's just scared to say anything about it because she doesn't want anyone to judge her" I tell him, hoping that all of this shit I'm pulling out of my ass has some meaning to him.
"I would never" He says, looking at me with tears in his eyes.
"Deep down she knows that. But we've all been through a lot lately, and sometimes we need to be reminded of who we can trust. Even it it does seem blatantly obvious" I respond.
"Yeah I guess you're right. Thanks Malfoy" he says before standing up, then turning around to offer a hand to me. I take it and stand up next to him.

"Please. It's Draco" I tell him.
"Right. Draco" he repeats, as if he where trying to commit it to memory. "You said that you where going to visit Theodor. Is it by chance Theodore Nott?" He asks me as he awkwardly shifts his weight from one foot to the other.
"Yes, actually. Why do you ask?" I question.
"Would you mind if I tag along?" He almost whispers, as if he was scared to ask the question.

"Not at all" I tell him before I feel a small smile form on my face.

❤️ Hey! Woop looks like I'm back. This book is going to be longer then expected, so buckle up lads. ❤️
Reggy out!

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