18~ We on this shit again (yes this is a chapter, no its not an authors note)

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Draco's POV: (again lol)


I feel needy as I suck on Harry's lower lip, drag my hands through his hair, and let them roam the rest of his body. I want more.
I need more.

I throw him onto the bed and smash my lips back onto his. I began to grind against his thigh, making him moan and tug on my hair. We both are hot, sweaty, and in the moment. I suck on his neck, enjoying the taste of salt and sweetness he's skin gives off. Harry's body wiggles and moans under my own, making my dick grow harder by the second. He grabs at the ends of my shirt, practically begging me for permission to rip it off. I let him and slide it off, then I continue to place kisses down his neck and on his chest. I feel him pause for a moment, but I think nothing of it.

"D-Draco" he stutters, removing his hands from my hair.
"Mmm" I moan, still covering his body with little pecks.
"Draco stop" he says, his voice pledged with a serious tone.
"Wh-why is there something wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" I ask him, starting to worry if he was second guessing anything.
"Why?" he asks me, but by the look on his face, he already knows the answer. I follow his eye line to my arm, where there are cuts, mostly old and faded, but a few new dark red lines that stand out against my pale skin.

"Oh" is all I can say as I hug myself with my arms, pulling away and suddenly feeling very insecure.
"Why didn't you tell me" He asks, obviously trying to keep his voice calm. It's not at all what I expected him to say.
"How could I? It's not exactly something I like talking about" I mumble, avoiding eye contact.
"I-I know. But if you don't talk about it, it's not going to get any better." He tells me. We are both sitting on his bed, facing each other. He grabs my hands and pulls them into his lap, a frustrated look plastered on his face.

"You should see someone" he finally says, causing me to look up at him with a shocked expression on my face.
"I'm serious. This is getting really dangerous, and it's not healthy or normal to feel this way" he interrupts me.
"Harry. Even if I wanted to see someone about this, I wouldn't be able to. Must I remind you that not everyone is as forgiving as you" I spat back.
"Then the school nurse. Anyone. Please. You have to realize that your behavior isn't only self destructive, but also affecting others. I'm affected. Pansy's affected. Hell, even Ginny Weasley's affected. I don't know how to help you on my own, I can't do it'' he tells me, his voice slowly raising in volume, obviously surpassing frustration and beginning to become angry.
"I-I" I stutter, not knowing how to respond.
"What" He states bluntly, crossing his arms and standing up.

"I.... think you should go" I tell him quietly, avoiding eye contact. I feel him freeze and look at me for a second, obviously not expecting me to respond like that. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. Hesitantly, he closes his mouth and looks at me, as if he's waiting for me to tell him I'm kidding. Instead of saying anything I stare right back at him. I shoot him a look, silently daring him to leave. It's not like I want him to go, I just couldn't stop myself from reacting any other way. after a long silence, harry sits back down on the bed and puts his head in his hands.
"You know Draco, your hair has gotten a lot darker. It's practically dirty blond now" he says tentatively, quietly hoping not to make me mad again.
"Yeah, it's my moms side of the family" I reply, practically whispering as once again attempt to avoid eye contact. "It actually started turning darker when i was fifthteen, Father made me dye it to keep up the family image" I confess. We fall back into silence, both sitting on opposite ends of the bed.

"Snape and I used to talk about this type of stuff all the time. It's probably the only reason I wasn't admitted to a mental hospital in sixth year" I tell him quietly, my focus still on the ground. "I guess I really haven't talked to someone sense, besides you of course, but even now I am always worried about scaring you away or exposing to much. Plus we've had a very busy twenty four hours and... I don't know" I tell him, stopping myself before I go into full rant mode. He looks at me and is about to respond, but is cut short by a banging on the door.

"Harry" says a females voice from behind the door. "Harry please open up" it says again.
"One second" he whispers to me before slipping on a shirt and walking to the door. after my shirt is on, I do my best to dry my face and calm down, just incase the person invites themself inside.
"Her-Hermione" Harry stutters as he looks at the girl standing in front of him. I get up and stand behind him, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Harry, oh my god you're okay. I'm so sorry, you have no idea oh my god I'm so sorry" she sobs into him as he hesitantly puts his arms around her.
"I'm so glad you're okay" she tells him after she pulls away.

"Do you need something? We're kinda in the middle of something right now" I ask in a cold tone, making them both turn to me.
"Umm kind of actually" Granger draws out, a nervous look forming on her face.
"What is it" Harry asks plainly. Honestly, I'm just surprised about how polite he's being.
"I don't know how you're going to react, you-you should sit down" she says while gesturing to my bed. We both hesitantly sat down and look at the brunette nervously fidget in in front of us.

"Well, go on" Harry says, obviously becoming more interested in what Granger has to say.
"Right, uhh I just found this out today, so don't get mad that I haven't told Ron yet"

"Hermione what's going on" Harry asks, starting to grow worried.

I'm pregnant"

❤️ Ok so everyone likes She-beast123 's comment on one of the chapters, about "Draco having dirty blond hair and not platinum blond" and I agree. It's very funny. Top quality comedy. So what do I do? Make the joke cannon of course. Full credit to She-beast123 for the idea, like usual I have absolutely no creativity so props to you. 👏 Everyone go follow them rn❤️ (ps sorry this chapter took forever to come out, my phone broke and it was deleted and there was this whole thing. I had to finish it on my computer so if the format looks unusual, thats why)

Reggy out!

Misunderstood love {a Drarry story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora