Chapter 6.

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Carly's POV

I awoke to the sun in my eyes and a huge headache. I sighed, shutting my eyes again and rolled over. As soon as I rolled over, I felt my body press against someone. I opened my eyes and I jumped up out of bed. I now notice that I'm completely naked. I quickly covered myself and looked at the bed. Nikki's laying there, he's also completely naked.

I looked around the room. I saw a few condom wrappers and used condoms on the floor. I frantically grabbed the clothes off the floor. I slipped the clothes on and grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I quickly ran down the hallways and down the steps. I can't believe I had sex with him, I don't even remember it.

I quickly got to the tour buses and ran into mine and slammed the door shut. I put my hand on my chest and tried to calm myself down. I threw my bag down and grabbed the clothes rack. I brought it out and into the venue, I put it in the dressing room and sighed. Nobody will know. It's fine.

"Hey, Carly." Vince's voice startled me as he walked into the dressing room. I jumped a little and dry swallowed. "Aw. Sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya." He chuckled.

I shook my head. "I-It's fine." I said. He looked at me and chuckled again. I suddenly felt very self conscious.

"What's funny?" I asked, he walked over and grabbed his outfit from the rack.

"I just see that Nikki and you had a good time." He replied. My face heated up when embarrassment.

"What?" I asked.

"I mean, I'm guessing you and Nikki hooked up. I can see a hickey on your neck and that's Nikki's shirt." He said and walked over to his area. My eyes went wide and I looked down. Oh god, I grabbed his shirt instead of mine. I quickly ran out of the room.

As soon as I got out the dressing room, I ran right smack into someone. I looked up and saw Nikki already looking down at me. "Ah, so that's where my shirt went." He chuckled. I also now realize that he's shirtless. "Why'd you run off so quickly this morning? I wanted a quickie." He snickered.

I heard Tommy and Mick laugh from behind Nikki. I'm so fucking embarrassed. Now everyone knows. I can't handle that. I quickly broke away from Nikki and ran out of the venue. I ran into my bus and quickly went into the back of it and slammed the door shut.

It was almost like Nikki was making fun of me. Maybe this was his plan all along? Not to talk, but to get me into bed? I do remember that almost as soon as I got more than a little tipsy is when he started to come on to me. I feel humiliated and embarrassed. I looked down and realized that I still had his shirt on. I quickly took it off and threw it. I walked out of the back room and quickly slipped one of my shirts on. Thank God nobody else is on this bus.

I grabbed Nikki's shirt and walked off my bus and towards their bus to give his shirt back. "Bambi!" I heard. For fuck sakes...

I turned around and saw Nikki walking up to me. "Why'd you run off?" He asked as he stopped in front of me.

"I don't like to be humiliated, everyone knows now." I replied quietly. "Was this your plan? Not to talk but, to just see if you could get me into bed?" I asked.

Nikki smirked and chuckled. He looked down and then met my gaze again. "I mean, maybe? It was a lot easier than I thought." He replied.

I felt disgusted, I feel gross. "How dare you!" I exclaimed and felt tears fill my eyes. "I trusted you! I told you things that not even my closest friends know!" I exclaimed.

"Bambi–" "Shut up!" I cut him off as the tears spilled down my cheeks. "People were right about you, you're a womanizing asshole who only cares about himself!" I cried. I threw his shirt at him. "Stay away from me!" I cried and stormed off.

"Fuck you! You know nothing about me!" He yelled after me. I turned around and faced him again. I charged over to him.

"Yes I do! You're a junkie who's self centered! You use women, you try so hard to be this rock god when in reality, you're just some guy who got lucky enough to make it! It's not like you're an amazing bassist, I've heard you play! You're not good, thank god you have the rest of Mötley or, you'd be nothing!" I yelled as the angry tears ran down my cheeks.

Nikki stood there, stunned. He clenched his jaw. "I know why you're fiancé cheated on you. It's because you're a bitch, no wonder he chose another woman over you! First of all, look at yourself! You got no tits and you have no personality!" He yelled.

Now, I'm stunned. He's using what I told him against me. I feel hurt, used, angry but, most of all, crushed. I slapped him across the face. He head flew to the side.

"Go fuck yourself!" I yelled. I quickly ran off and into the tour bus. I walked to the back of the bus and I lost it. My sobs shook my body.

Nikki's words keeps running through my head, he's right. It's my fault my fiancé cheated on me. If I were prettier and wasn't so anxious, he would've stayed. I covered my face with my hands and sobbed loudly. I don't care if anyone can hear me. Right now, I'm completely torn apart.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye🧸)

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